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Add new key-bind to activate Strategic Strikes of any type. #211

Open tauSentry opened 6 years ago

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

Note: This feature request originates from the discussion on Issue #117. Credit to @Tarogato-MWO.

The Problem: There are hotkeys for specific consumable slots and there are hotkeys for specific consumables. However, in the case of Strategic Strikes, there are multiple types. A pilot may use Artillery Strikes on some mechs, Air Strikes on some mechs, and even both on other mechs - having to keep straight which key to use on which mechs.

Proposal: Add a New key-bind option which activates the first unused Strategic Strike consumable (any type) from a Mech's consumable slots, i.e. each successive press activates the next unused Strike of any type in the list of equipped consumables.

rwil02 commented 6 years ago

Just to point out, this is different from the problem I logged with UAVs There I have 2 keys for 2 UAV SLOTS and nothing for UAV TYPE and pressing the key to launch the first SLOT twice will launch both UAVs one after the other.

This is in some ways worse than the strikes because there is no cool down period to space them out/block it.