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Mechbay UI: Modify UX of Mechbay to allow omni part selection as a drop-down for individual parts #217

Open dlikhten opened 6 years ago

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

Rather than dragging the correct part to the correct torso/arm/leg/etc, please allow for a selection of the appropriate part as a drop-down.

We don't need to see the chassis bonus info on those parts. Just a "Applies to Chassis bonus" on the part that applies to your CT. The rest should look like the table we got, but also show the individual bonuses.

|+15 Armor                             |
|LEFT-TORSO-A      3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1   |
|Applies to Chassis Bonus              |
|+15 Armor, -10% cooldown              |
|LEFT-TORSO-B      0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0   |

From Smurfy:
screenshot - issue 217

tauSentry commented 6 years ago


Props for the ASCII-art. If you get a chance, submit a screenshot/mockup to help illustrate better.

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

@tauSentry Damnit Jim, I'm an engineer not an artist!

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

I think the easiest example getting even somewhat close is Smurfy's as it allows for decent omni part selection. Though I think that drop-down could be more interesting and informative.