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MWO Issue Tracker
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Mechbay UI: Set the drag target for individual weapons to be the entire component. #220

Open dlikhten opened 6 years ago

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

The Problem: When customizing a mech, there is no reason to have to snap a weapon (or piece of equipment) specifically to an empty slot in the component.

Proposal: I should be able to drag and drop it anywhere on the component. The placement would be at the end, which is the default placement behavior anyhow.

Example: If I drag a small laser onto my center torso (ANYWHERE including the part that describes armor) it should put it in the top-most available free spot in the center torso.

Tyler799 commented 6 years ago

I don't see why not. Doing this doesn't lose any functionality (if you care about placement of lasers, for example, the spot doesn't matter, only the order you put them in) and it makes building easier.

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

@dlikhten, I edited the original description for better clarity. Please double check to make sure it is accurate.

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

@tauSentry well made. Thank you.