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Mechbay UI: Add an X to any removable component on a body part #222

Open dlikhten opened 6 years ago

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

The Problem: Currently you have to drag components off body parts to somewhere not valid.

Proposal: This could be a much better experience by just adding an X to the right side of the component rectangle to for click-to-remove functionality.

Tyler799 commented 6 years ago

I never even considered it, but that makes significantly more sense.

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

@dlikhten, can you add a mockup screenshot of how you envision this looking.

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

Double-clicking an item removes it without dragging.

Tyler799 commented 6 years ago

I had no idea that was the case! Thanks! Should really be documented somewhere...

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

@dlikhten, does the feature pointed out by @TheFifthHorseman, address your need?

dlikhten commented 6 years ago

@tauSentry I think the X is important. The current functionality is great, but very unintuitive (I used this for 2 years and had no idea) I highly recommend the X is added and double-click is removed.

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

I agree that an explicit icon for the action should be added, but I don't think removing the double-click is a good idea. Way it's set up now, it allows you to very quickly remove an item without having to hunt at a specific part of it - and then do the same to the next item that appears in the slot.

Ialdabaoth commented 6 years ago