MechWarriorOnline / issue-tracker

MWO Issue Tracker
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Dead mech and damage states are not updated after exiting cockpit in spectator mode. #228

Open banditb17 opened 6 years ago

banditb17 commented 6 years ago

Any time I cast a match and enter the cockpit of a mech for a period of time, any mechs that die or are damaged while in 1PV appear alive on both the scoreboard and laying in the field (not turned grey for deceased) when I exit back to overhead view. This is present on the tournament client as well.

Damage numbers do not update until more damage is dealt to that mech, then it will suddenly jump to the appropriate number. Dead mechs stay on the scoreboard until the final EOR screen displays. Can be very disorienting when attempting to call out how many mechs are still alive on both sides. This is one of the last hurdles to allowing more 1PV perspectives in shoutcasting if the changes made on the tournament client are brought to private lobbies in live.

Here is an example from the Tournament Client from MWOWC 2017 Semi Finals:

Match was a bit of a throwaway so I did a lot more 1PV than I normally do, perfectly highlights the bug though.

MrInconsistent commented 6 years ago

Please yes. It's been 12+ months this has been in existence. I want that FPS goodness when watching the World Champ Finals!