MechWarriorOnline / issue-tracker

MWO Issue Tracker
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Add small crosshair that can be toggled on or off in overview camera in spectator mode #229

Open banditb17 opened 6 years ago

banditb17 commented 6 years ago

If the awesome new features from the tournament client make it to private lobbies in live, I would like a small crosshair or dot added to the overview camera that can be toggled on or off. (default on)

The new feature that was added allows you to press a key or button on a controller while looking at a mech to highlight it instead of having to hit P to release the mouse and manually click. This makes it easier to bring up the paper doll on the fly or enter the cockpit quickly of a mech simply by looking at it. (great feature!)

The difficulty I had with this new feature is you need to be aiming perfectly at the mech in question in order to target it. Without a crosshair you have to either get right up in the mechs face or eyeball it. I got around this by entering 1PV and putting a dot of my wife's lipstick right on the crosshair so I could use the splotch to aim.

Bonus: If there is any way to allow your aim to be a little less accurate and still work, or allow you to hold the button down instead of just pressing it until the appropriate mech is highlighted that would be a bonus as well as you have to be EXTREMELY precise when aiming or you look like a dork staring at a mech pressing a button a bunch trying to get it to work.