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UI: Report dropdown needs an option to report refusal to engage / contribute #239

Open TheFifthHorseman opened 6 years ago

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

The current "Nonparticipation" options only cover "AFK" and "Suiciding". There are several player behaviors which this does not cover - some players will run off and avoid engaging in a match their team has effectively already lost, others will literally wait for their entire team to die before leaving the drop zone and trying to score kills in the last minutes of the match (this is deliberate KDR farming).

An option to report "Refusing to engage" is needed.

YouKnowNothing commented 6 years ago

while I really REALLY hate watching the last man standing as he's running away from the enemy team without trying to return fire or actually shutting down and waiting the timer out, this whole "refusing to engage" thing is really subjective and therefore hard to prove. You say the person refuses to engage, he says he's planning and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and PGI will say there's no way to prove it either way. It can also be abused, using it whenever people don't like the way a teammate plays, even if what the player does is a legitimate tactic.

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

There certainly are subjective report types, such as language/harrassment, nonconstructive over comms etc, but as for refusing to engage the Code Of Conduct has a clear definition:

As I have described initially, there are very obvious scenarios where this particular report type applies that I have seen players engage in repeatedly. That there's no clear report category to use for something the COC explicitly forbids makes no sense.

YouKnowNothing commented 6 years ago

Dayum, I've been playing this game for years and I just found out there are clearly stated regulations about non-participation. Now that I know this, I will gladly withdraw everything I said in my previous post. THERE SHOULD BE an option to " report refusal to engage / contribute " included. Cowards worrying more about their paintjob than the fact that their team is loosing SHOULD BE penalized. I just didn't know there were clearly defined rules that forbid non-participation :D