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Mech Academy Siege-mode Tutorial #240

Open tauSentry opened 6 years ago

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

The Problem: MWO has a very steep learning curve for new players. One place where new players are hopelessly overwhelmed is Faction Play where you can see things like:

More often than not, when those new players attempt Faction Play before they are ready, it ends up being a bad experience (translation: discouraging ROFLstomp).

Furthermore, it can add frustration for the team that he/she is on, which might then be taken out on that new player unconstructively - thereby making a bad situation even worse. That's not an experience that we, as a community, should risk exposing new players to. After all, MWO already has a steep enough learning curve.

Add a Siege-mode tutorial to the Mech Academy that covers all relevant information that can't be learned from Quick Play. Ideally, Faction Play should be locked until a new pilot completes this tutorial.

YouKnowNothing commented 6 years ago

Hell yeah, this is a great idea and I really would like to see it implemented. Some quick tutorials about the other gamemodes would really be nice also, even if they are just some videos, not ingame.

About locking the players out of FP until they complete this proposed tutorial, while my preference would be to lock them out until they have at least 4 mechs bought, I know that would restrict the number of players on an already low pop gamemode, but at least it should be conditioned to having played a number of games in quickplay (at least 50 would be my minimum choice, but the 25 needed for collecting all cadet bonuses could work also ).

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

You're forgetting players disconnecting because they lost one mech. Seen that.

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

Good one, I'll add it to the description.

JamesArgent commented 6 years ago

A true tutorial would be great. If PGI is unwilling to put in the effort to do this, though, a small step would be to activate the gate generators, Omega generators, and Omega when a siege map is chosen for the Training Grounds. That way people can practice doing what they need to do without the pressure of an actual match or someone yelling at them for being new.

Possibly activate the turrets, too. There's a LOT of targets in the area and even just being able to pick out the appropriate target takes some getting used to.