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Ability To Target Friendlies #247

Open tauSentry opened 6 years ago

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

Note: Based on this discussion by /u/AUSwarrior24 from /r/OutreachHPG.

With regard to keybindings... There should be a Friendly equivalent to 'R' (Next Target).

An excellent description by /u/Jman5 from this comment sums it up:

The benefit of being able to target friendlies outweigh the negatives.

  1. Being able to see just how beat up a teammate is before you both go charging around a corner. %health can often times be misleading.

  2. Being able to see what sort of builds people are running when you're looking for ideas for certain mechs. This could help newer players avoid bad builds. Harder to do this against enemies when you're in the middle of a fight.

  3. Knowing what sort of builds your team is running and adjusting your play to accommodate. If I see that most of my team is packing ER Energy boats and LRMs I know that I should hang back a bit and be a little more patient. If I know they're rocking brawl-builds, I can be more aggressive. Just looking at the mech variants doesn't necessarily help (particularly with clan omnimechs).

targeting friendlies

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

Hmm. What if this was linked to an existing functionality, such as holding Q while pointing at a teammate?

Another thing is this does not provide any ability to view your team's loadouts before the drop (and thus plan for them) or during the match but with no LOS to them. Perhaps something the battle grid could provide?

kelvinkuiper commented 6 years ago

Jman's description is awesome but I don't think the solution is optimized. This is going to be super annoying because you will accidently target teammates instead of enemies. It can happen so it will happen.

Instead I opt for improvements to the screen you get when u press "B". Make it that you can see the friendly ragdoll if you click on his/hers name for example.