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AMS/LAMS target priority selection #248

Open DravenDarkshadow opened 6 years ago

DravenDarkshadow commented 6 years ago

Proposal (Option 1): Add the ability to configure AMS to prioritize missile targets from X meters away up to the max range.

Proposal (Option 2): Add the ability to configure AMS to prioritize NARC first then LRMs.

YouKnowNothing commented 6 years ago

option 1: can you please elaborate on this, I don't quite get it. You want to be able to toggle AMS to shoot missiles only after they're in the optimal range? AMS will shoot any missile passing in it's range, you want it to ignore those passing X m's away? that will reduce it's effectiveness in taking down missiles targeting you, since it won't shoot them until they get in that X range. option 2: from what I remember of the description, AMS will shoot all incoming missiles, prioritizing those that target you. They shoot down NARC, SRM, MRM, Streak, ATM and LRM. Making AMS able to prioritize one of these 6 types will probably have a negative impact on the netcode, so I don't think they will implement that.