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SSRMs can be fired while out of range #249

Open TheFifthHorseman opened 6 years ago

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

Problem: SSRMs can be fired at any locked target, regardless of range. This means they will fire at targets they can't deal any damage to.

Going by the description, they should only fire when they can hit the target (which implies being in range). Likewise, the tabletop mechanic - if I'm reading it correctly - prevents them from firing at targets that cannot be hit due to exceeding maximum range.

Solution: Prevent SSRMs from firing unless the locked target is within their range.

tauSentry commented 6 years ago

Question about a corner-case...
What the scenario where the pilot locks on and fires at an enemy who is closing (while still out-of-range) but times it specifically so that the first volley will hit just as the enemy enters effective range?

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

It shouldn't fire. However, if the fire button is held down it should act same as on any other weapon - that is, fire a shot as soon as that becomes possible (ie: when the locked target enters effective range).

IanDresarie commented 6 years ago

Strongly disagree with this suggestion. I often enough lock onto a 'Mech further away and use that lock to fire at someone else. e.g. Stealth 'Mechs running around me. Completely preventing Streaks from firing at 'Mechs out of range takes away the only counter a Streak 'Mech has against Stealth.

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

if the system does not receive sufficient feedback before firing to guarantee a hit it will prevent the missiles from launching. This special feature of the system prevents the weapon from firing at a target when there is no lock-on

If you want to fire without lock-on, you should bring normal SRMs instead (or mix them with the streaks)