MechWarriorOnline / issue-tracker

MWO Issue Tracker
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Separable solo queue and group queue stats #254

Open Tarogato-MWO opened 6 years ago

Tarogato-MWO commented 6 years ago

Solo queue and group queue are incompatible in terms of statistical analysis and self-improvement tracking. This goes for both the profile mech stats, and the QP Leaderboard.

I would like a filter added so that you could view stats for solo queue only, or group queue only, while retaining the option to view combined stats.

Example: Your WLR can tell you a lot about how effective and impactful your mech is in solo queue. But because your WLR is influenced much more by teamwork when you play it in group queue, the WLR can be skewed to the point of complete meaninglessness.