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MWO Issue Tracker
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Private Lobby with ignore enhancements on and consumables in slots 2-5 causes an invalid loadout error #260

Open FlyingFox333 opened 6 years ago

FlyingFox333 commented 6 years ago

After launching a private lobby match players under certain circumstances will be sent back to the mech bay with an "Invalid loadout error." Attempting to rejoin the match will result in the same error and the inability to play in the match.

Replication: Test BattleMech Place any number of consumables in slots 2-5 onto any BattleMech with skills that support those extra consumable slots via the skill tree and would be considered valid under normal circumstances where skills are permitted. E.g. QP and FP.

  1. Create a private lobby with the following parameters: Stock Loadouts: No Ignore Enhancements: Yes
  2. Select the Test BattleMech created as per above
  3. Launch the game

The client will send you back to the mech lab. Other players without any consumables or a single consumable in slot 1 will launch correctly.

Workaround: Remove any consumables in slots 2-5.

Video Capture:

tauSentry commented 6 years ago


Can you add a link to a video which captures the described behavior.

FlyingFox333 commented 6 years ago