MechWarriorOnline / issue-tracker

MWO Issue Tracker
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block list failure #277

Closed Galenthor closed 6 years ago

Galenthor commented 6 years ago

I have several people on my block list, which to me should mean that they should not be allowed to be in the same match, let alone on the same team as me, yet the game for whatever reason still allows this to happen... anyone know why this is?

TheFifthHorseman commented 6 years ago

Not a bug, the block list only blocks communications from these players.

Galenthor commented 6 years ago

they still need to fix it then... I only add to my block list for good reasons, such as not being able to afford to file harrassment charges in the case of a few of them...

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 12:25 AM, tauSentry wrote:

Closed #277

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-- Galen

6 ft tall, brown hair, blue eyes; the rest changes without notice