MechWarriorOnline / issue-tracker

MWO Issue Tracker
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Full Window mode always wants to be fullscreen. #284

Open jaydenmorris1 opened 6 years ago

jaydenmorris1 commented 6 years ago

In full window mode you can send MWO to the task bar but every other program opened or tabbed to triggers MWO to return to fullscreen and sit behind other programs. This is frustrating if you want to use other programs while waiting for matches etc.

Normal windowed mode does not do this, but its undesirable to play in a window and alt-enter to make it full-screen (triggers a video reset?) resulting in a long black screen between every alt-tab.

FIX: The MWO executable should be a good desktop citizen and stay in the taskbar until clicked on or tabbed to in order to fix this issue.

(Windows 10, DX-11)