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Another SCHP-90004 Problem #70

Closed HendrixString closed 2 years ago

HendrixString commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

so I have another SCHP-90004 (EUR) model which is quite clean (no mod whatever)


  1. I used FreeDVDboot to boot it into uLaunchElf
  2. I launched MechaPwn and used region DTL-H90004

This is what I got:

Any suggestions ?

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

Hey dude,

I had the exact same issue on the exact same model of PS2. I am not sure why this is the case, but you need some way to skip the logo check in order to be able to boot NTSC or "Master Disc" games. On any other PS2 you'd do this using FreeMCBoot, but that is not compatible with the 9000-X series. I was able to fix this, but you do need a way to copy files to your PS2 Memory Card for this to work (I used a different PS2 with FreeMCBoot on it): Download Fortuna from here Copy the Fortuna Folder on a USB stick and put it into your PS2. Use FreeMCBoot to launch uLaunchElf and copy the Fortuna Folder from your USB stick to your Memory card as shown in the thread I linked. Then put the Memory Card into your 90004 PS2, go into the browser and open the memory card (again check the link to see pictures etc.). Press Circle after a bit, then circle again. It will launch into uLaunchElf (atleast for me it did, might have been because FreeMCBoot is on the same memory card, if not just copy uLaunchElf on the memory card the same way you did with Fortuna). Then use the PS2Disc App under MISC in uLaunchELF to launch your disc. You can also use this method to launch ps2ident or MechaPwn or really anything else you want. A bit messy to use Fortuna all the time, but atleast it works :)

Hope this helps, feel free to ask any question if I was unclear

AKuHAK commented 2 years ago

@HendrixString All that you need - just select the DTL-H90001 option to disable license checks for PS1 and PS2 titles. @L0RCH you are using a very complex combination. Such a combination is necessary only for FAT models where is impossible to change region checks via MechaPwn.

HendrixString commented 2 years ago

@AKuHAK freeDVDBoot no longer boots

AKuHAK commented 2 years ago

@HendrixString you need to find masterpatched uLaunchELF image or made one by yourself

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

@L0RCH you are using a very complex combination. Such a combination is necessary only for FAT models where is impossible to change region checks via MechaPwn.

Indeed changing it to DTL-H90001 allowed me to boot both NTSC and PAL games (originals that is) straight from Disc, so thank you for that.

However, in order to boot Master Disc games you still need a way to bypass the Logocheck. Since there is no way to get FreeMCBoot to run on a 90000 Series PS2 Slim, I'd recommend for @HendrixString to use Fortuna + uLaunchElf as I described, then go into MechPWN through there and change it to DTL-H90001. He won't be able to boot a masterpatched uLaunchElf on his 90004 Slim.

AKuHAK commented 2 years ago

@L0RCH you are using a very complex combination. Such a combination is necessary only for FAT models where is impossible to change region checks via MechaPwn.

Indeed changing it to DTL-H90001 allowed me to boot both NTSC and PAL games (originals that is) straight from Disc, so thank you for that.

However, in order to boot Master Disc games you still need a way to bypass the Logocheck. Since there is no way to get FreeMCBoot to run on a 90000 Series PS2 Slim, I'd recommend for @HendrixString to use Fortuna + uLaunchElf as I described, then go into MechPWN through there and change it to DTL-H90001. He won't be able to boot a masterpatched uLaunchElf on his 90004 Slim.

I am sure that you are wrong. Masterdisk booting when you set console into DTL-H90001 does not require PS2LOGO bypassing. American region has PS2LOGO check disabled.

@L0RCH HendrixString lost all his entry points. In order to create any hack for a memory card he needs hacked ps2. Currently, FreDVDBoot isn't working for him (cause the DVD player is broken after the model name changed to DTL-H90004), any memory card hacks aren't suitable, cause for creating it he needs hacked console.

Currently, he has the only option: burn the MasterPatched PAL disk (with proper logo) where the main elf is working wLaunchELF. Alternatively, he can buy a memory card with FMCB or some -Tuna.

I cannot post the prepared MasterDisk iso cause it will break GitHub rules (it will contain the proprietary Sony logo and headers).

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

It says in the MechaPWN FAQ that you need some way to bypass Logo checking for Master Discs though?

Why do consoles not run masterdiscs directly from the OSD? An additional protection exists on the DSP, which is different in retail and debug consoles, the debug one allows mechacon to store the masterdisc xor key in its registers, the retail one does not. Bypassing the logo check bypasses this protection (this can be done using ule or a future cdvdman patch using a ps2 homebrew)

Maybe you aren't aware of this because Free MC Boot usually does this by itself. Anyway I tried a MasterPatched game and I had to use uLaunchElf to boot it. Originals boot just fine.

I know that what I suggested requires a 2nd hacked PS2, I said so in my original post. As I said FreeMCBoot is not compatible with this particular PS2 so buying one with it on won't do him any good. If the MasterDisc will work just fine afterall, that is indeed his only option. Otherwise he will need some way to get Fortuna onto a Memory Card as I suggested.

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

Well I get a "Please insert a Playstation Format Disc" error on mine when I try a MasterDisc. Do I need to enable Force Unlock for this to work?

AKuHAK commented 2 years ago

@L0RCH my apologies: you are correct, I forgot about the DSP bug. So yes, basically the only option for @HendrixString is to buy/get a FunTuna card (or other Tunas)

HendrixString commented 2 years ago

guys, I have a PAL console, and I believe Mechapwn doesnt work on PAL consoles. I have a FMCB card but is is useless on 9xxxxxxx consoles

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

As I said I have the exact same console as you do and it does work, unfortunately not selecting DTL-H90001 when you ran MechaPWN really screwed you up here. If you have a FMCB card, do you also have another PS2 by any chance? You could use that so setup Fortuna.

HendrixString commented 2 years ago

@L0RCH yes I do have another console nad a dvd burner and a card with FMCB that can launch uElfLauncher

L0RCH commented 2 years ago

Well then you can do what I described in my first post. Get Fortuna on your Memory Card using the other console and uElfLauncher. Take that MC into your 90001 and use Fortuna to run MechaPwn again, change your console to DTL-H90001. Then you'll be able to run NTSC originals straight from disc with no problem.

HendrixString commented 2 years ago

@L0RCH Thank you !!! I did it and it worked on two 9k PAL machines. Thank you