MechanicalRabbit / FunSQL.jl

Julia library for compositional construction of SQL queries
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Adding multiple qualifiers to table results in joins being subqueries #60

Closed ansaardollie closed 3 months ago

ansaardollie commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

Firstly just want to say a huge thank you for making this library. It really is the perfect solution to my current needs.

I am currently working on a project which uses multiple catalogues/schemas within a single datasource. When trying to implement this with the FunSQL library I get an unexpected behaviour for joins. Using the Join example found in the API reference for this library the following sql is rendered when no qualifiers are used on a SQLTable object:

using FunSQL: SQLTable, render, From, Join, Select, Get

person0 = SQLTable(:person, columns=[:person_id, :location_id])
location0 = SQLTable(:location, columns=[:location_id, :state])

query = From(:person) |> Join(:location => From(:location), Get.location_id .== Get.location.location_id) |> Select(Get.person_id, Get.location.state)

println(render(query, tables=[person0, location0]))


FROM "person" AS "person_1"
JOIN "location" AS "location_1" ON ("person_1"."location_id" = "location_1"."location_id")

This is the expected behaviour, namely that the Join clause created joins directly to the table. This does not happen when using 2 or more qualifiers (the situation I find myself in: one for the DB and another for the schema).

person2 = SQLTable(:person, qualifiers=["EXAMPLE_DB", "EXAMPLE_SCHEMA"], columns=[:person_id, :location_id])
location2 = SQLTable(:location, qualifiers=["EXAMPLE_DB", "EXAMPLE_SCEHMA"], columns=[:location_id, :state])

println(render(query, tables=[person2, location2]))


FROM "EXAMPLE_DB"."EXAMPLE_SCHEMA"."person" AS "person_1"
  FROM "EXAMPLE_DB"."EXMAPLE_SCHEMA"."location" AS "location_1"
) AS "location_2" ON ("person_1"."location_id" = "location_2"."location_id")

As you can see, whenever one uses 2+ qualifiers then the join clause is created using an inner/nested/sub query. While I am not very experienced in DB tuning, I don't think that is as efficient as a direct join.

I am also unsure if this expected behaviour for the library and perhaps there is a configuration setting I can change to amend the behaviour.

Thank you :)

xitology commented 3 months ago

Good catch. It's caused by an unnecessarily specific condition on collapsing the join branch and should be fixed by However, I'd expect that the database engine would reduce both variants to the same query plan, so it should not affect the query performance.

ansaardollie commented 3 months ago

Thank you so much for your prompt fix.