Mechazo11 / ros2_orb_slam3

A ROS2 Humble package natively implementing ORB-SLAM3 V1.0 VSLAM framework
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VSLAM with inertial using Intel D455? #1

Closed mukundbala closed 4 months ago

mukundbala commented 4 months ago

Awesome stuff here! The installation was a breeze. I was wondering how i can go about using ORBSLAM3 using my Intel D455 Camera. This camera has an IMU stream!

Mechazo11 commented 4 months ago

Hi @mukundbala thank you for your kind words. I guess you will need to start from thien94`s ORB-SLAM3 ROS1 package to see how he called the ORB-SLAM3 library with RGB+IMU stream. Then use my example of the monocular node I wrote, create another node and replicate the steps for the Intel D455 camera. Unfortunately, I don't have any plans for adding direct camera stream functionality any time soon due to severe time constraints.

Hope this helps.

With best, @Mechazo11

mukundbala commented 4 months ago

Once I get it working, I'd be happy to share my impl with you via a pull request of you'd like :) happy to contribute!

Mechazo11 commented 4 months ago

Sure, it will be my pleasure