MedChaabane / DEFT

Joint detection and tracking model named DEFT, or ``Detection Embeddings for Tracking." Our approach relies on an appearance-based object matching network jointly-learned with an underlying object detection network. An LSTM is also added to capture motion constraints.
MIT License
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Unable to Run ./ #6

Closed ryanmaxwell96 closed 3 years ago

ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

I get "No such file or directory" errors for,, and when I run ./

I see that these files are in DEFT/src so I change the file to direct it to find these files. Then I get "No module named 'cyuthon_bbox'".

Also, btw, I am missing gt_train_half.txt, gt_val_half.txt, det_train_half.txt, and det_val_half.txt as well as train_half.json and test_half.json.

Is this a problem?

ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

Also, the pretrained models I think should go into experiments, not src. Or at least that is what is working initially for me. It could not find the pretrained models in a models folder in src

MedChaabane commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your questions! sorry about the confusion, but is only to provide example how to run the training and testing for DEFT, and not to run it directly. We have updated the requirements.txt with "cython_bbox". For the pretrained models, you can put them in src/models and follow and also you can put then in any other directory and just change the path when running the testing code. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks,

ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

Ok that makes sense. I can use correct?

ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

Also, is there a reason why will not run on GPU? Do you know what would be causing this and how to force everything onto GPU?

MedChaabane commented 3 years ago

yes you can use use For the GPU using --gpus 0 when runing the code should run it on the GPU if a GPU is available.

ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

In my conda environment, nvidia-smi returns CUDA 10.1. And nvcc --version returns CUDA 10.1. When I run sh, I get:

Running tracking Using tracking threshold for out threshold! 0.3 Fix size testing. training chunk_sizes: [4] Namespace(AFE=True, K=100, add_05=False, amodel_offset_weight=1, arch='dla_34', aug_rot=0, backbone='dla34', batch_size=4, chunk_sizes=[4], custom_dataset_ann_path='', custom_dataset_img_path='', data_dir='/home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../data', dataset='mot', dataset_version='17trainval', debug=0, debug_dir='/home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../exp/tracking/mot17_train/debug', debugger_theme='white', dense_reg=1, dep_weight=1, depth_scale=1, dim_weight=1, dla_node='dcn', down_ratio=4, efficient_level=0, eval_val=False, exp_dir='/home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../exp/tracking', exp_id='mot17_train', fix_res=True, fix_short=-1, flip=0.5, flip_test=False, fp_disturb=0.1, gpus=[0], gpus_str='0', head_conv={'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'tracking': [256], 'ltrb_amodal': [256]}, head_kernel=3, heads={'hm': 1, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'tracking': 2, 'ltrb_amodal': 4}, hm_disturb=0.05, hm_hp_weight=1, hm_weight=1, hp_weight=1, hungarian=False, ignore_loaded_cats=[], input_h=544, input_res=960, input_w=960, keep_res=False, kitti_split='3dop', load_model='models/model_mot.pth', load_model_traj='', load_results='', lost_disturb=0.4, lr=0.000125, lr_step=[60], lstm=False, ltrb=False, ltrb_amodal=True, ltrb_amodal_weight=0.1, ltrb_weight=0.1, map_argoverse_id=False, master_batch_size=4, matching_weight=1, max_age=-1, max_frame_dist=1, max_frame_dist_AFE=10, max_object=100, model_output_list=False, msra_outchannel=256, neck='dlaup', new_thresh=0.3, nms=False, no_color_aug=False, no_pre_img=False, non_block_test=False, not_cuda_benchmark=False, not_idaup=False, not_max_crop=False, not_prefetch_test=False, not_rand_crop=False, not_set_cuda_env=False, not_show_bbox=False, not_show_number=False, not_show_txt=False, num_classes=1, num_epochs=80, num_head_conv=1, num_iters=-1, num_layers=101, num_stacks=1, num_workers=8, nuscenes_att=False, nuscenes_att_weight=1, off_weight=1, only_show_dots=False, optim='adam', out_thresh=0.3, output_h=136, output_res=240, output_w=240, pad=31, pre_hm=True, pre_img=True, pre_thresh=0.3, print_iter=0, prior_bias=-4.6, public_det=False, qualitative=False, reg_loss='l1', reset_hm=False, resize_video=False, resume=False, reuse_hm=False, root_dir='/home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../..', rot_weight=1, rotate=0, same_aug_pre=True, save_all=False, save_dir='/home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../exp/tracking/mot17_train', save_framerate=30, save_img_suffix='', save_imgs=[], save_point=[90], save_results=False, save_video=False, scale=0, seed=317, shift=0, show_trace=False, show_track_color=False, skip_first=-1, tango_color=False, task='tracking', test=False, test_dataset='mot', test_focal_length=-1, test_scales=[1.0], track_buffer=30, track_thresh=0.3, tracking=True, tracking_weight=1, trainval=False, transpose_video=False, use_kpt_center=False, use_loaded_results=False, val_intervals=10000, velocity=False, velocity_weight=1, video_h=512, video_w=512, vis_gt_bev='', vis_thresh=0.3, weights={'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'tracking': 1, 'ltrb_amodal': 0.1}, wh_weight=0.1, zero_pre_hm=False, zero_tracking=False) Creating model... Warning: No ImageNet pretrain!! loaded models/model_mot.pth, epoch 70 Setting up train data... Using MOT 17 17trainval ann_file train.json ==> initializing train data from /home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../data/mot17/annotations/train.json, images from /home/maxwelr/DEFT/src/lib/../../data/mot17/train ... loading annotations into memory... Done (t=0.34s) creating index... index created! Creating video index! Loaded MOT 17trainval train 5316 samples Starting training... yesyes tracking/mot17_train

And it remains there doing nothing. I have checked system monitor and some CPU cores are at 100%. When I run watch -n l nvidia-smi, I get the following output:


ryanmaxwell96 commented 3 years ago

Python is still on CPU!

Hiddenfire21 commented 3 years ago

What do G and C types mean in nvidia-smi?