Medacorp / Luigi-s-Mansion

The Luigi's Mansion map for Minecraft: Java Edition.
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New add-on: Thrill Tower (+other add-ons for it) #11

Open Dhranios opened 3 years ago

Dhranios commented 3 years ago
  1. Room 1 is a base room, it has a toad to save, entering this room heals players; it has 2 doors: tower exit (foyer door) and the elevator door (2 gallery doors); the player already holds the element medals when entering this mansion
  2. Room 2+ are in a randomly generated grid pattern, having room sizes 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 2x2, etc;each intersection can spawn a door, barricaded door, trap door, hole, window or stay a wall; if it's a window, the entire 1x1 section is set to "air" and no doors can lead to it, if it is a non-trap door or a hole the other side will generate a room with the same door type, if it was barricaded, it will only do that if it can still be reached; a minimum of 10 rooms exists per floor
  3. No matter the floor combination, there's always at least 1 ice elemental source, 1 water elemental source and 1 fire elemental source
  4. All rooms select a random amount of ghosts, and any ghost, except speedy spirits or portrait ghosts (for example it can choose to spawn a blue twirler, 3 gold ghosts, a garbage can ghost and a flash in 1 room)
  5. No ghosts respawn
  6. Each ghost drops money, roughly matching the difficulty of the ghost
  7. After no more ghosts are on the floor, the players can enter the elevator again, going back to room 1; 1 will be added to the technical_data.floor_number value
  8. Each time technical_data.floor_number reaches a multiple of 5, all ghosts' base HP will be increased by 5. When it reaches value 105, it changes to 100, so it can keep going (floors stop counting from 99); when going to the roof, the health values of all ghosts are reset to their defaults.
  9. If the beta mansion add-on is installed, blue twirlers and blue blazes randomly get their attack set to punch, body slam or basher, and gold ghosts, temper terrors, purple punchers and flashes will randomly set their attack to basher
  10. To give each auto-generated room its own room number, spawn a marker in the negative corner of the room, store the room size in the entity with a tag; based on that tag, define dx and dz; on spawn, room score is set to the highest of all same type entities +1 (first room should be 2, second 3, etc.); it'll also store a room type number, matching the room variant, in order to turn lights on properly, and search furniture
  11. The first room generated is always the elevator and is always lit, it is roughly in the center of the floor, allowing rooms to generate around it.
  12. The GBH will generate a 2 floor map: Ground floor, and current floor; the current floor will generate based on the marker entities, and the rooms.room_x values
  13. If the time runs out before the floor is cleared, the players go back to room 1, and the elevator door will be locked What is the time limit per floor?
  14. When talking with toad for the first time, he will say he's too afraid to go to the floors above, and explain the workings of the tower, and give you the elevator door key; if you talk to him again before clearing a floor, he'll tell you to enter the elevator, every other repeat he'll mention what floor number is next, and cheer you on; if the elevator door is locked, he'll share his sadness and tell you to leave; SEE BELOW
  15. Searching furniture can spawn hearts, poison mushrooms or any of the new items (each room will randomly choose how many it contains, up to a certain number based on the variant (having no hearts on the whole floor is possible)
  16. Clearing a room may grant a normal, club, diamond or spade key; this is defined beforehand: if a room choses to spawn a door, it has a low chance to be a locked door, if that is the case, and of the existing markers will be "given a key", if there is one with none; if there are no rooms without keys, the locked door is turned into a unlocked door
  17. All types of single doors can be created (normal, anteroom, ball room, basement, attic (and if beta mansion add-on is installed, twins room and nursery))
  18. Music: lobby: foyer, elevator: gallery, dark room: dark room, lit room: lit room, balcony: exterior, cleared floor: area boss defeated, time almost up: danger
  19. Some rooms are considered to be of the same set (eg hallways or balconys) if these rooms touch, a viewpoint will be created, rather than a door, wall, etc. The viewpoint will be stored in both rooms, if a player is in one, it will also tick the other. The rooms will only clear if there's no ghost in any room connected through viewpoints.
  20. Each ghost type has a weight and "min floor" to appear from; each room has a "total weight" the room will reach, or be slightly over (if the last ghost adds more weight than left to total).
  21. All rooms have a chance to be infested. When this is the case, mice and or bats will be spawned in the room.
  22. Sparks have a weight of 3, and only appear when somebody enters the room for the first time.
  23. To prevent an elemental source needed to get a key hidden behind said key, tag doors after a locked door as being unable to spawn the elemental sources.
  24. There are infinite floors (it shows up until "Floor 99", then it starts saying "Floor ?"), but 2 elevator options, next floor and roof. The roof option leads to a new floor, which is always the same, and has stairs to the roof, which consists of 1 open room, and 1 boss battle: Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Other bosses may appear on normal floors with a low chance.
  25. The floor below the roof has ghost health equal to the last floor's (if last floor was 14, it is treated as floor 14, not 15); It has a circular pattern of rooms, leading to a balcony with a ladder to the roof. These rooms serve as a means to prepare the player for the difficulty of the battle. Upon climbing the ladder, a cutscene involving a dizzy Mario getting launched by Master Hand begins (portrait battle begins at the point after the cutscene); anyone left on the floor below will be teleported up, and the balcony gets destroyed by Crazy Hand, which enters from behind the player.

New items:

TOAD DIALOGS: First time: Oh my, this tower is so creepy... Huh? (single) Yes, NAME! You finally came! (multiple) Yes! You finally came! Do you know this tower by any chance? CHOICE: I'm familiar with it. No, what is this?

CHOICE 1: Alright, saves me some time. Here is the key to the elevator. Turn on lights Talk to me if you need a break.

CHOICE 2: This is the Thrill Tower, a challenge for ghostbusters all over the world. Nobody can map this place out, it changes every time! Each floor is filled to the brim with ghosts, you got your work cut out fighting them all. You can still search furniture to find hearts, or, for the less lucky, poison mushrooms, but no money. All money is carried by the ghosts. These ghosts are clever, they mix and match as they please. You can end up with rooms where you need all elements to clear it... Lucky for you, each floor has elemental sources of all kinds, and I see you already have the element medals with you! Do be careful, as every ghost you encounter in other mansions can be in here. Also, if you manage to get to the fifth floor, the ghosts become stronger! W-when I first arrived, the elevator was unlocked, and I thought I could find a room to sleep in, and I ran into a ghost who held a key, and in pure panic I ran through it and grabbed the key! I ended up hiding in a closet until the ghosts vanished, and when I got back to the elevator, they locked it! I tried the key, and it seemed to match, so I went back to the lobby and locked the elevator again, to not make the ghosts aware I left, and I noticed the key almost broke! I think when you unlock the door, the key will break and be unusable... If you think you reached your limit, go to the roof. I saw Mario go there when I entered the tower. Let's see, is there anything else...? I think that's it... Here is the key to the elevator. Turn on lights If you need to know how you currently stand, talk to me!

REPEAT NO FLOORS DONE: Well? What are you waiting for? Go take the elevator!

REPEAT FAILED: Oh no... The ghosts found a way to blast you back to the lobby, and locked the elevator... I guess that's it... There's nothing left to do in here... You should go back to E. Gadd and talk about this. (E. Gadd) You've returned? Well, how did the tower go? Hm? What's this? You're locked out? How terrible! You won't be able to get Mario back! I'll tell you this. I'll repair the key you used, but you may have to start over again. It's a costy process, so it's going to take everything you have. Resets ghost health, floor count and money grabbed, but make toad happy It was this... then a little bit there... There we go! Give key Remember to know your limits.

ROOF CLEARED REPEAT: Oh... my... gosh! You did it! You captured all the ghosts! PLEASE, you have to tell me what the view was like! Oh... clouded, huh? That's too bad... Anyway, all that's left is getting Mario out of this place.

OTHER REPEAT: Whoo-hoo! You cleared the floor! Next up, floor X! Ask to save

FIRST ELEVATOR RIDE: NAME, kiddo, I got some disturbing news. I found out that the button for the roof is broken, and the needed piece is somewhere on one of the lower floors. It seems to move, so a ghost is holding it. When you get it, you'll be able to go to the roof. Be careful, these ghosts are sneaky. If you take too long, they might do something horrible. I'll make the Gameboy Horror show how much time I think you have left. Be careful, NAME.

GHOST PORTRIFICATIONIZER: Whatever you have brought back to the lab sure is powerful... I can hear the Poltergust struggling from here! Quickly put it in the old Portrificationizer before the Poltergust sustains damage!

Creation and Destruction: Master Hand and Crazy Hand ??? years old The embodiment of the primal forces of the universe. These guys are as old as the universe itself, if not older. Legend says there are other universes, accessible only to those with the power to rip a hole in reality itself, which they can access.

Health: 2000 each

Ranking: damage 50+, 49-20, 19-6 and 5-0 for bronze, silver, gold, platinum (latter only with 3ds remake add-on enabled)


Shows heart when: Hit by a spike ball (occasionally thrown by Master Hand, and flying out of Crazy Hand's void)

After Poltergust escape, if other is not fleeing (triggers for whichever hand is escaping the poltergust; if one escapes, but the other is still fleeing, the one waits out of range for the players for the other to escape):

Half health changes:

Both at half health: (+ solo half health changes)

One defeated, but not the other: (+both at half health; regardless if the remaining one is at half health; (not the solo half health changes, unless the remaining one is at half health))

Scan message:

Extraterestrial Haunt: Bouldergeist ??? years old. Covered in boulders, his body looks like the starry night sky. It's truly a sight to behold, but it may be the last thing you'll see.

Health: 500

Ranking (escaped suction count): 5+, 4-3, 2-1, 1 for bronze, silver gold and platinum (latter being 3ds remake only)

The battle plays like in mario galaxy, turning slowly to the nearest player, like bowser, and throwing red, small heart dropping stones (not in portrait battle), rather than gold, coin dropping ones. Bomb Boos when vacuumed on, act like a ball that hones in on you, until you stop vacuuming. Needs 5 hits, rather than 2 to lose all boulders, and regains his boulders if not hurt for too long. The last hit makes him vulnerable and fly around, shoot a Bomb Boo at his uggla makes him receptable to the vacuum. Once health hits 250, he escapes, entering his second phase.

Scan message: "Puny human..." (plural, humans)

Bouldergeist appears a floor above the "ghostly galaxy" floor.

Special room types: Balcony: can only spawn at the far edges of the tower, shows the surrounding purple fog. Hallway: a long, slender room that goes through at least 1/3rd of the tower. Always the first room after the elevator. They're wider than in the normal mansion. Roof: Size 3x3, extends down to whole size of the tower; elevator vanishes into the floor once everyone leaves it.

Special floors: (can only be selected once per save data) Ghostly Galaxy: Waltz of the Boos plays, several locked doors, and a hardcoded layout. Not ghost catching-focussed, but puzzle focussed. Bomb Boos introduced to the players (they enter the normal-floor spawn pool afterwards). Use bomb boos, and elemental ghots to reach places beyond your vacuum reach. Shoot a switch to flip gravity, etc.

Trophy tasks:

Unlocked when clearing all tasks: Polterpup amiibo: empty, unsearched furniture has a small chance to contain a gold bone

Extra gallery, using the smallest beta gallery (unicorn statues, 15 paintings space): back room: master hand and crazy hand leftmost: evershade tower ghosts rightmost: last resort tower ghosts other 12: N/A, maybe add different boss based on floor count, or small chance to face a boss on a floor, instead of normal ghosts.

Additional add-ons, which only add things to the thrill tower:

Evershade Tower:




Last Resort Tower:






Dhranios commented 2 years ago

Idea: different boss/top floor based on your floor clear count I was thinking, eg, master+crazy/universe-broken floor at floor 50+ and shroobs/shroob castle-themed floor on lower floors.

Would like opinions on this though.