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readme #86

Open kianasimonson opened 6 years ago

kianasimonson commented 6 years ago

Can't figure out why my readme won't look like a live site on my project 3. Even on my github things are not right about it and I have no idea what I did wrong. Could it have to do with my html heading structure? If this is it I've tried numerous different types but I guess I can't figure out the one you would like me to use.

JustineEvansUM commented 6 years ago

Hey, @kianasimonson. Not sure what the question is? Your Readme is pulling normally when I look at your Project-3 repo, except that <title>...</title> is HTML, not markdown.

If you mean that it's not rendering as your Live Site, that's because you have an index.html that the browser automatically requests. Sometimes we see your repo readme show up if you don't have an index yet, but this is a fallback.

Does this answer your questions, or...?

kianasimonson commented 6 years ago

I guess I am just confused if my coding is right before the body section. You said my title is wrong but I can't seem to find what is the right way.

JustineEvansUM commented 6 years ago

Technically, <title>...</title> isn't wrong per say, it's just not needed in a readme as its from an inappropriate language. You're writing your README in a mixture of HTML and Markdown. Usually readme files are written purely in markdown. Check it out!

In your readme specifically, anything in < > is HTML, used for .html files like your site pages. Readmes are just documentation, meant for people like me who want to explore your process, and aren't part of the rendered site proper. For example, when you go to Google you go directly to the search engine because that's what most users want. But Google has dozens of readme files available for devs to read to learn about the system and extensions. You just, literally, have to Google them. :)

So for readme files, simple headings work great. In fact you could most likely write a readme with very little code at all.

Does that help? Here's an example for your readme:

# Kiana Simonson
### Project 3 Readme

1. My site will be a book site.
2. Invisible by James Patterson. For my writing example I haven't decided, but it will most likely come from [these chapters](
3. I love every book I have read from James Patterson. He really knows how to make a mystery so entertaining. I always have trouble putting his books down.

Which will render like:

Kiana Simonson

Project 3 Readme

  1. My site will be a book site.
  2. Invisible by James Patterson. For my writing example I haven't decided, but it will most likely come from these chapters.
  3. I love every book I have read from James Patterson. He really knows how to make a mystery so entertaining. I always have trouble putting his books down.
JustineEvansUM commented 6 years ago

But don't get me wrong - your HTML is great (excellent head and structure!). It's just not meant for .md files like Readmes. Just .html files like index.html.

kianasimonson commented 6 years ago

Thank you. It makes way more sense. One more question regarding this readme, is it done to your requirements and what we will link to for our homework 4?

JustineEvansUM commented 6 years ago

This looks great! Once you trade out HTML for Markdown I think everything will look the way you'd like. The images are linked correctly, so just take out the HTML tags and they'll show up. No need to turn it in separately - when you go to link HW-05, I'll look at your project readme then. :)

It would be nice to see an image of your color selections just to get a visual, if you have access to PS or Illustrator. Or, you can add your hex values to something like Color-Hex and take a screenshot.

kianasimonson commented 6 years ago

Thank you will do!