Media-Ed-Online / intro-web-dev-2018spr-resources

Resource files directory for "Intro to Web Design & Development" course.
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Box Model #76

Open kylieann opened 6 years ago

kylieann commented 6 years ago

Does anyone know when they Box Model will be opened? Does anyone else have only one of their assignments graded/know when the rest of them will be graded on moodle?

kaitlinclifford commented 6 years ago

On the web design website, it says it isn't due until the 9th so I would assume it will open in the next day or two but I honestly don't know... and like you i only have like 2 assignments graded. I emailed them about it and they said they would check it out but nothing changed.

kylieann commented 6 years ago

Hopefully that gets figured out soon! I don't 100% know what my actual grade for the class is because of this, which is why I am not sure if I need to do the extra credit or not.

Jorpatterson commented 6 years ago

I have no idea what my grade is either, I have had 2 assignments and 1 project graded. I also have not had a response to my email in which I inquired about my grade.

kylieann commented 6 years ago

I am just glad I am not the only one in this situation. I'm now wondering since we only had 2 projects how the grading is going to change. On the syllabus it says we were going to complete 4 projects, so I wonder if the projects are now going to be worth more or less of our grade.

Jorpatterson commented 6 years ago

Definitely not the only one. And that is a really good point, I guess they will all be worth more now. Hopefully we did good!

Drakklin commented 6 years ago

Ive only got a couple of things graded still so im pretty much in the dark