MediaBrain-SJTU / Where2comm

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Training but AttributeError #8

Open Sunshine8921 opened 1 year ago

Sunshine8921 commented 1 year ago

when I want to train it, (Where2comm) aitest8@9207cdaf7f93:~/Where2comm$ python opencood/tools/ --hypes_yaml opencood/hypes_yaml/dair-v2x/dair_early.yaml Dataset Building <opencood.data_utils.datasets.early_fusion_dataset_dair.EarlyFusionDatasetDAIR object at 0x7f7139fd5b50> Traceback (most recent call last): File "opencood/tools/", line 190, in <module> main() File "opencood/tools/", line 44, in main collate_fn=opencood_train_dataset.collate_batch_train, File "/public/home/aitest8/conda/envs/Where2comm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 83, in __getattr__ raise AttributeError AttributeError

I don't know what happen. Could you help me?

My dataset is follow this, but I not sure whether is true. Could you tell you more detail about the tree of DAIR-V2X?

XJTU-Haolin commented 11 months ago

same question. I cannot run dair-single(latefusion). V2VNet is okay.

KKHAOO commented 1 week ago

Have you solved the problem?