MediaBrowser / Emby.AutoOrganize

Auto-organize plugin for Emby Server
MIT License
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'Organize File' dialogue not properly initialized #4

Open daed-alus opened 6 years ago

daed-alus commented 6 years ago

default selection in the 'Organize File' dialogue is not properly initialized defaults to 'Series' but is not functional, only selecting 'blank' and than back to 'Series/Movie' initializes the lower input fields/buttons correctly

PoppyPop commented 6 years ago

Do you still have th issue ? if yes, could you provide some more information : Server / Plugin version OS (Windows / lInux) Browser And if you can a javascript error log from your navigator.

I tried to reproduce with no success, do you have a huge library ? (tested with about 200 Series)

daed-alus commented 6 years ago

no this does not occur anymore but the selection defaults to 'movie', maybe this should be changed to 'blank'

daed-alus commented 6 years ago

think this was not fixed and still took place but masked cause it always defaulted to 'movie' before and you had to switch anyway everytime

for a identified series episode file unbenannt

for an identified movie file unbenannt6

n00b42 commented 5 years ago

Still have the same issue. "Series" preselected but not initialized, first have to deselect then select again.

After click on the "Organize" button: 1

After deselecting the "Media Type" 2

After selecting "Series" again 3

mathroc commented 5 years ago

I looked a bit into this

I noticed this error:

TypeError: dlg.querySelector(...) is null; can't access its "innerHTML" property line 346

my guess is that's because selectedMediaTypeChanged is called before the browser is done rendering the dialog

maybe it should be called once it opened, eg:

dlg.addEventListener('open', function() {selectedMediaTypeChanged(dlg, item)})

but I don't know if the open event exists, or asynchronously, eg:

window.settimeout(function() {selectedMediaTypeChanged(dlg, item)}, 1);