Is possible add these fields to the game library?
Original Title
Alternate Title
Exist studio in gamebrowser, but does not differentiate between what is a developer and publisher.
Status (Complete / Incomplete).
Another interesting point would be to change art name disc.png for name "media.png", because not all game is released on disc.
Besides being able to add more than one art to the media play such disc1, disc2, disc3, etc ...
Because there are several games that is divided into several medias, eg Final Fantasy VII / VIII / IX, Grandia III / many games for NEC PC-98, etc ...
Hi Is possible add these fields to the game library?
Original Title Alternate Title Publisher Developer Region Media Perspective Controller Version Status
Exist studio in gamebrowser, but does not differentiate between what is a developer and publisher. Status (Complete / Incomplete).
Another interesting point would be to change art name disc.png for name "media.png", because not all game is released on disc.
Besides being able to add more than one art to the media play such disc1, disc2, disc3, etc ... Because there are several games that is divided into several medias, eg Final Fantasy VII / VIII / IX, Grandia III / many games for NEC PC-98, etc ...