MediaMath / t1-python

Python SDK for MediaMath Platform APIs
Apache License 2.0
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Uploading Audience to MediaMath for targeting #184

Open sudhanshu88241 opened 5 years ago

sudhanshu88241 commented 5 years ago


I am using MediaMath SDK which does auth using the username, pass, and api_key. what I would like to implement is a script that can upload audience data from my end to MediaMath for Targeting.

I had gone through the Documentation but it's not clear how do I implement this. Can you please tell how this thing can be implemented using the same SDK or API.


FodT commented 5 years ago

HI @sudhanshu88241,

I"m not sure quite what you're after here. If you're asking about the older authentication method, T1-Python now also supports authentication using auth0 access tokens and client/secret combinations.