Medium / phantomjs

NPM wrapper for installing phantomjs
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how install phantomjs beta 2.5 ubuntu 16.04 #777

Open xaiborweb opened 6 years ago

xaiborweb commented 6 years ago

hello thank you very much for your great work but I am not a programmer and I would appreciate if you share the script to install phantomjs beta 2.5 on ubuntu 16.04 from scratch with all the dependencies you need.

since it had installed phantomjs 2.1.1 in this way but intenete install the 2.5 in the same way and can not install it, thanks.

sudo apt-get install build-essential chrpath libssl-dev libxft-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev cd ~ sudo wget sudo tar xvf phantomjs-2.5.0-beta-linux-ubuntu-xenial-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share/ sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/phantomjs-2.5.0-beta-ubuntu-xenial/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ phantomjs --version

bipin-nag commented 6 years ago

Seconded, is it possible to add 2.5.0 as target version.

I downloaded v2.5.0 manually and added to PATH. And wanted to run install so that phantomjs installation gets detected and linked by installer. But it requires 2.5.0 version in package.json.

On updating to v2.5.0-development then installing npm gives

npm i phantomjs-prebuilt npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-112-generic npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "i" "phantomjs-prebuilt" npm ERR! node v7.10.0 npm ERR! npm v4.2.0 npm ERR! code ETARGET

npm ERR! notarget No compatible version found: phantomjs-prebuilt@^2.5.0-development npm ERR! notarget Valid install targets: npm ERR! notarget 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.1.9, 2.1.10, 2.1.11-alpha, 2.1.11-alpha.1, 2.1.11, 2.1.12-alpha, 2.1.12, 2.1.13, 2.1.14, 2.1.15, 2.1.16 npm ERR! notarget npm ERR! notarget This is most likely not a problem with npm itself. npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting npm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/bipin/.npm/_logs/2018-02-12T21_39_34_002Z-debug.log