Medium / phantomjs

NPM wrapper for installing phantomjs
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Provision to fetch phantomjs from disk #818

Open KarunaLakshman opened 5 years ago

KarunaLakshman commented 5 years ago

In my workspace, I don't have access to default phantomjs_cdnurl and for some reason I'm not able to create my own download location.

I understood that, phantom installer is trying to find phantomjs in temp path, before it starts downloading from CDN url. Is it a good idea to drop in a directory located in the project root and set tmp=path/to/phantom in .npmrc (belongs to the project) file?

Is it possible to introduce a provision to download phantomjs from local disk? Something like this --phantomjs-path | npm_config_phantomjs_path | process.env.PHANTOMJS_PATH.