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Per World Particle #3

Open pinoylifecraft opened 7 years ago

pinoylifecraft commented 7 years ago

Hehe :smile: it's seems I am requesting again now?

Can you add Per World Particles group? Like - worldgroup.yml

Inside of that file ahm maybe like this

Groups: default:

Maybe that's it for now hope you add it ... Tag this as Suggestion :+1:

MediusEcho commented 7 years ago

What would this feature do exactly?

pinoylifecraft commented 7 years ago

To separate the particles Example I have a world world , world_nether , world_the_end , survival - that will be group SURVIVAL and another particles for world : skyblock , skyblockpvp , skyblocknether will be in the group of SKYBLOCK it depends on what group should I name worldgroup.yml Groups: # this one is nothing default: # this one is the name of the group pvp # and this one is the worldname Survival: # this one is another group world # worldname world_nether world_the_end SkyBlock: # another groupname gcskyblock gcskyblock_nether ========== :+1: ========== I base this on MyPet plugin in this plugin this what it look like when I separate the pets I hope you understand sorry for the wrong english ....

MediusEcho commented 7 years ago

Are you wanting particles that can only be used in worlds you specify? So particles in 'skyblock' will only be active in the SkyBlock world?

pinoylifecraft commented 7 years ago

Ahm hehe I don't understand but specify ? skyblock group will only be active in skyblock worlds or what ever world should I add on that group :+1:

MediusEcho commented 7 years ago

I'm just trying to figure out what your suggestion actually does. You've said you wanted groups, that doesn't really have anything to do with how particles are displayed. Are you trying to create a group of particles that will only work in a certain world?

pinoylifecraft commented 7 years ago

Ahhm Ok . I want a separate world group not group of particles. Have you ever try to use the plugin Multiverse Inventories or PerWorldInventory just what like inventory that's what i want in the particles to be group in the server world

Example : Group: surival:

MediusEcho commented 7 years ago

Just to make sure i understand what you're asking. You want to have a group of worlds that share particles a player has purchased.

  - 'world'
  - 'world_nether'
  - 'skyblock'
  - 'skyblock_nether'

So, anytime a player purchases a particle in, for example, world. That particle would also work in any of the worlds under the survival group. The same would go for skyblock in that particles purchased there would only work in worlds that are listed under the skyblock group.

Am i close to what you're asking?

pinoylifecraft commented 7 years ago

Yes ! Thank You... That's it! Haha :+1:

MediusEcho commented 7 years ago

I'll look into the suggestion, Can't make any promises.