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permissions not working #4

Closed Zeke5399 closed 6 years ago

Zeke5399 commented 6 years ago

players can open the gui and it works but they are able to use trails that i dont want them to use and when i put in a perm for it the plugin breaks. And i go to the wiki and there are no examples of what to do.

Zeke5399 commented 6 years ago

I did not even give them the all permission and yet they have all of the trails

MediusEcho commented 6 years ago

Are there any errors when the plugin breaks? What permissions are you using? Do you have permissions enabled in config.yml?

Zeke5399 commented 6 years ago

its not that but in the config there is a perm for a trail that says donor yet players can use it and i dont want them to

Zeke5399 commented 6 years ago

oh perms are not enabled I watched the tutorial and he did not once mention that xD

MediusEcho commented 6 years ago

The videos on my Spigot page are more like showcases. I went ahead and cleaned up the wiki pages a little bit more to hopefully make things clearer