Meecast / meecast

MeeCast - multiplatform highly customizable open source weather forecast client based on OMWeather code. Copyright (C) 2006-2024
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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[SFOS] Possible bug with daylight saving time. #24

Open ApostolosB opened 9 years ago

ApostolosB commented 9 years ago

Before the change of in October after 00:00 meecast used to display the previous day on the main page after a refresh for a few hours -one or two can't remember-. This seems not to be the case no more and the day changes at 00:00.

Could there be a bug in meecast. Or is it can be something related to openweathermaps that i use as a source for weather data.

Apologies in the case i raised a false alarm.