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Upgrade Page Layout #131

Closed srenault-meeds closed 1 month ago

srenault-meeds commented 2 months ago


A layout is now ready to use for any platform using Meeds. For now, this option is only provided for new page. Hence, we need to upgrade "product" pages and any other pages that has been customized.

1. Functional Requirements

Top User Stories

Case 1: Platform is new OR any Meeds Hub
Case 2: Platform is already up and running

upgrade page layout







Know wich page has been edited using layout

Unified Search


2. Technical Requirements

Expected Volume & Performance

N/A (Not applicable)


No changes


The dynamic containers has to remain possible to use in combination with the new layout editor.


No changes


No data upgrade is needed since the existing pages layout will be upgraded manually.

Existing Features


Feature Flags

No feature flags

Property Name Default Value Target Audience Functional Behaviour

3. Impacts



4. Software Architecture




The layout editor UI has to evolve in order to allow upgrading incompatible pages. The compatibility of pages is made using a simple algorithm:

  1. Does the parent container has a template with value system:/groovy/portal/webui/container/UIPageLayout.gtmpl
  2. Does the child containers are of type sections only (Dynamic or Fixed)

If the current page isn't eligible to one of those conditions, then a new dynamic section with two columns will be initiated by listing all application in the first column to let the user move them if needed to add them in a different Dynamic section/column.

For the dynamic containers in existing pages, when using the layout editor, the list of applications listed in the dynamic container will be listed as is in the corresponding column, so that the administrator, willing to change the page, will be able to delete/configure the applications.

srenault-meeds commented 2 months ago

To check please @margondicco

boubaker commented 2 months ago

To check please @margondicco

Technical section added as well @rdenarie ( I will wait for Go-func first before seeking for Go-tech , so this is just informative for now )

margondicco commented 2 months ago

Hello Go Fonc

Thank you

boubaker commented 2 months ago

Thanks, ready for tech review. @rdenarie

rdenarie commented 2 months ago

Ok for me

boubaker commented 1 month ago

ACCs & PRs ready for review by DAO members ( eXo: @margondicco @rdenarie )

margondicco commented 1 month ago

Hello tested and validated !! Thank you !

rdenarie commented 1 month ago

Ok for on tech side

boubaker commented 1 month ago

Merged to develop

Christyempire commented 1 month ago

Any help on what to do here please

Christyempire commented 1 month ago

This upgrade will go a long way