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Order Page Kodi Point #64

Open MeetKodi opened 5 years ago

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

Implementation Order page as did already for Kiosk machine time ago

First tab is about the products Brands will choose if need sticker (in that case basket increase 50 Euro) or perhaps has already one ( value 0)

Then the color and quantity of the coupon cards following values 50 euro 250 80 euro 500 100 euro 1000

(brands can also just choose the sticker in case)

Second tab is about order details Third tab resume of the order

in the backend we can duplicate orders tab as of the users and manage for the brands and follow same criteria we do for the pictures

any questions im here thanks


MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

I see the page complete but need the order page to be finished...what's your estimate? @footniko

footniko commented 5 years ago

Will try to finish it by the end of this week.

footniko commented 5 years ago

@MeetKodi What are these checkboxes? image How do they affect UX?

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

The first one is asking f you got already a sticker in that case the value doesn't increase

the second one will increase the value of 50 euro

about coupon cards 250 increase 50 euro 500 increase 80 euro 1000 increase 100 euro

footniko commented 5 years ago

What is a sticker?
What if the user does not check any of the checkboxes? And why we need the first checkbox if it doesn't affect anything?

footniko commented 5 years ago

Also, this popup appears when the user clicks on the i icon, right? image

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

yes right

sticker will go to front door of shops we do ask if they have or not since one of our campaign include to send the sticker to selected businesses so could be that after receiving our envelope he goes on the page to upgrade for coupon cards but already has a sticker

footniko commented 5 years ago

Then why do we need 2 checkboxes? Wouldn't it be more clear when we have one checkbox (the second one, that increases the price value)?

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

keep the first one but write this

standard kodi point sticker

increase value 10

so normal is 10 eur geolocalization will be 50 eur


MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

ok we need to setup value 0 for now for normal sticker since we write everywhere that is free and at the moment is important to us to ship for brands and increase our popularity (geolocation sticker will be still 50 eur)

for the rest i've checked backend and is fine

p.s please check the copywriting for ITA that need to be fixed ASAP


footniko commented 5 years ago


MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

Perfect... only issue remaining is mobile version.. need improvements pls check

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

here also the ENG version of the page

footniko commented 5 years ago

Done. Note, you need to change also bank details in the admin side ( image

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago


issue resize on iphone 6 @footniko

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago


MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

@footniko estimate to complete that? Thanks

footniko commented 5 years ago

Next week...

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago


MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

From Mobile is still messup ))


footniko commented 5 years ago

Should be fixed (do not forget to clear cache).

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

Ok it's good last thing the screenshot i've sent is a bit messup with bank details for the rest is all good

footniko commented 5 years ago

last thing the screenshot i've sent is a bit messup with bank details

Should be fixed.

MeetKodi commented 5 years ago

just this little messup and we are done

Not high priority

footniko commented 5 years ago

Mmm... It should be fixed. You probably have to clear your cache.