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SDWebImage不指定版本号,或者使用~>符号,如何处理? #100

Closed miroda closed 3 years ago

miroda commented 3 years ago


pod 'SDWebImage', '~>5.9.4' pod 'SDWebImage'

`[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "SDWebImage": In snapshot (Podfile.lock): SDWebImage (= 5.10.2)

In Podfile: Demo (from ../../../ccbindemo/Demo.podspec) was resolved to 1, which depends on SDWebImage

You have either:

dabing1022 commented 3 years ago


miroda commented 3 years ago

私有源中还么有这个版本呢,我想通过pod bin auto 生成这个库

dabing1022 commented 3 years ago


miroda commented 3 years ago

流程是,我先pod install,安装5.10.2到本地,然后pod bin auto --all-make 这样子吗? 源码私有源,指的是什么?项目的源码吗

dabing1022 commented 3 years ago

提供podfile podspec

miroda commented 3 years ago do |s| = 'Demo' s.version = '1' s.description = '我只是一个测试的,主要是想要 s.dependency' s.license = 'MIT' s.summary = 'Seeyou' s.homepage = '' s.authors = { 'suliangjin' => '' } s.source = { :git => '', :branch => 'dev' } s.requires_arc = true s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0' s.source_files = 'Source/*/.{h,m,c}' s.public_header_files = 'Source/*/.h'

    s.dependency 'Masonry'
    s.dependency 'FMDB'
    # s.dependency 'SocketRocket'
    s.dependency 'MJExtension','3.2.1'
    s.dependency 'SDWebImage','5.10.2'


miroda commented 3 years ago

Podfile source ''

target 'Demo' do pod 'FMDB'
pod 'Masonry' pod 'MJExtension','3.2.1' pod 'SDWebImage','5.10.2' end

miroda commented 3 years ago


dabing1022 commented 3 years ago


miroda commented 3 years ago


[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "SDWebImage": In snapshot (Podfile.lock): SDWebImage (= 5.10.2)

In Podfile: Demo (from ../../../ccbindemo/Demo.podspec) was resolved to 1, which depends on SDWebImage (= 5.10.2)

None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependencies: SDWebImage (= 5.10.2), SDWebImage (= 5.10.2).

You have either:

dabing1022 commented 3 years ago

先尝试pod repo update,确保github源、cdn源有5.10.2这个版本。

miroda commented 3 years ago

[!] ===【 SDWebImage | 5.10.2 】二进制组件制作完成 !!!