MeetmeLeave / ng-canvas-gauges

Angular2 component wrapper for the canvas-gauges library written by @Mikhus(
MIT License
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ReDraw when properties change #25

Open BigRockK opened 5 years ago

BigRockK commented 5 years ago

I have an Angular 7 project that updates the highlights, maximum and units when the user wants. When using the options, I expected that when the options change the chart would redraw.

In the HTML: `<radial-gauge [options]="chartProperty" [value]="chartValue"


Then I update the object chartProperty when the user changes the settings. The console reports the following errors:

ERROR TypeError: Given gauge canvas element is invalid! at t.n [as type] (gauge.min.js:27) at new t (gauge.min.js:27) at RadialGauge$$1.push../node_modules/ng-canvas-gauges/fesm5/ng-canvas-gauges.js.RadialGauge$$1.ngOnInit (ng-canvas-gauges.js:413)

ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The image argument is a canvas element with a width or height of 0. at t.value ( at RadialGauge$$1.push../node_modules/ng-canvas-gauges/fesm5/ng-canvas-gauges.js.RadialGauge$$1.ngOnInit ( at checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline ( at checkAndUpdateNodeInline ( at checkAndUpdateNode ( at debugCheckAndUpdateNode ( at debugCheckDirectivesFn ( at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (ng:///AppModule/HookloadLgChartComponent.ngfactory.js:19:9) at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] ( at checkAndUpdateView (

I'm thinking there should be a way to assign the object so it is able to update and redraw.