MegaGameSociety / WatchTheSkiesDashboard

Watch the Skies Dashboard
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Ch-Ch-Changes (Dashboard overhaul) #29

Closed michaelpelletier closed 8 years ago

michaelpelletier commented 8 years ago

I miss you, David Bowie. :(

Okay, changes from meeting today with Noam. The Dashboard itself needs to be redesigned / hugely resized to work better for a Projector. This will mean the following changes:

FifthSurprise commented 8 years ago

@michaelpelletier This might be an unnecessary suggestion but gradient seems perfect for terror tracker as we can mess around with the ratio of Terror/Total Terror with impunity and always have a valid color.

Also, the api can deliver something like 15 news articles per round (3 players, 5 articles each, per round). This is actually a minimum estimate since it might be a combination of the current and previous round, but I might adjust it so that older items get popped off. I'm not sure how many is the "correct" # to have available on the dash but keep in mind players will sit there and watch through a "news cycle" to see what's going on. Might be a good idea to have a more prominent timestamp (data of which I can provide).

FifthSurprise commented 8 years ago

@michaelpelletier Edited the title just so that I don't get confused every time I see David Bowie reference.