MegaGameSociety / WatchTheSkiesDashboard

Watch the Skies Dashboard
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Splash page #44

Closed michaelpelletier closed 8 years ago

michaelpelletier commented 8 years ago

Intro stuff for

Wasn't super sure where the actual splash page should go (structurally) so I made up a few things. There's also an incomplete conditional for displaying what should be used if a user is logged in or not. The form itself hasn't been hooked up yet, but I imagine we can just use most of the normal login stuff that we already have. Likewise, the "Forgot password" thing isn't hooked up.

Looks more or less like this.

screen shot 2016-05-13 at 7 54 14 pm
FifthSurprise commented 8 years ago

Can you put a logout button somewhere? Otherwise, I can work with this and make the required changes. I'll probably just fix up the branch before I merge it into develop though.

FifthSurprise commented 8 years ago

Also, I get that the social media stuff is in the bottom right so we can see the spotlights... but I think it just unnecessarily increases the vertical space? Maybe just make the social media stuff vertical on the left side of the page next to the log-in information?