MegaGlest / megaglest-source

MegaGlest real-time strategy game engine (cross-platform, 3-d)
349 stars 89 forks source link

False positive error #91

Closed filux closed 8 years ago

filux commented 8 years ago

titi as host, me as client, game won (was end message)

When host player disconnects from the game but game was won/lost then this message shouldn't be displayed at all and exit status for sure should be 0 (if it isn't, not checked).

megaglest v3.12-dev                                                                                                                                          
Compiled using: GNUC: 50201 [64bit] platform: Linux-X64 endianness: little                                                                                   
GIT: [Rev: 5293.01673db] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]                                                                                             

*ERROR* [2015-12-13 00:36:06] In [network_interface.cpp::DisplayErrorMessage Line: 198] sErr [Player filux, disconnected from the game.] 
softcoder commented 8 years ago

no idea what this means: (if it isn't, not checked)

tomreyn commented 8 years ago

I assume Filux is saying that we should not report an ERROR event when a player disconnects, since this can and often is not unexpected behaviour, especially when a game is over.

I guess it would be OK to WARN about players disconnecting (on purpose or not), but I think this should be limited to --verbose, not be reported on standard output / error by default.

If I understand this correctly, it would be good to rephrase this issues' title to something along the lines of "Do not report ERROR to terminal on disconnects".

filux commented 8 years ago

I am talking about single case when battle is finished, then any disconnection is in 99.99% cases done by user (host/admin) which did it himself and other players are confused by fake error.

One more time: battle end + host/admin left the battle as first = others are disconnected (< normal) and see this error (< abnormal).

titiger commented 8 years ago

no more error is shown