MegaMek / megamek

MegaMek is a networked Java clone of BattleTech, a turn-based sci-fi boardgame for 2+ players. Fight using giant robots, tanks, and/or infantry on a hex-based map.
GNU General Public License v2.0
295 stars 283 forks source link

Chat Box Constantly Loses Focus #1058

Open BLOODWOLF333 opened 6 years ago

BLOODWOLF333 commented 6 years ago


Megamek 0.44.0 standalone Java 1.8 Windows 8.1


If playing a multiplayer game and the players are typing in the chatbox, every time a new phase or round report begins the chatbox loses focus and the player's key presses then begin to trigger the hard coded keybinds of megamek and are no longer typing in the chatbox. I dont know how difficult this would be to fix / make better with how old that code may be but, I'm sure this contributes to the opinion that MegaMek is an old clunky program. My screen space is limited so, I wouldnt vote for a pop-out chat window like youtube does but, maybe if the user has selected the chatbox and is typing megamek should allow them to continue as the program is cycling through the phases and doing it's various things without interrupting the player.



MGM175 commented 6 years ago

I'll second this, especially that "Someone is writing" aka #302 enhancement would fit in there too as well.

arlith commented 6 years ago

Basically, we've got two different chat boxes: the overlay one that is used with the board view, and the integrated one at the bottom of the report phase. We could theoretically integrated the overlay one into the reports, although that may be a little odd.

That said, we could track when the chatbox has focus (I think this is already done), and use that to maintain focus one the chat box when you transition between phases. At first, I thought this might be difficult for the report phases, but we could potentially use the UI widget's focus state.