MegaMek / megamek

MegaMek is a networked Java clone of BattleTech, a turn-based sci-fi boardgame for 2+ players. Fight using giant robots, tanks, and/or infantry on a hex-based map.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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RFE - Implement Recon Camera #1709

Open HammerGS opened 4 years ago

HammerGS commented 4 years ago

Via PM

Hi, Can I request that Recon Camera's be enabled in Megamek. It would help with Hidden units. Thanks

Rules on TO pg 338

Rules Level: Advanced Available To: BM, IM, PM, CV, SV, AF, CF, SC, MS Tech Base (Ratings): Both (C/B-B-B) Game Rules: The Recon Camera has limited visual range (18 kilometers at best), and so is useful only in Low Altitude operations over the mapsheet (or on it). A unit with a Recon Camera can act as a spotter for LRM Indirect Fire (see p. 111, TW) and still make a weapon attack with no additional to-hit penalty but cannot use it to designate targets for other TAG-guided weapons, such as semi-guided LRMs, laser-guided bombs and Arrow IV artillery missiles. Furthermore, in any turn where an airborne Recon Camera passes over a hex containing a hidden unit hostile to the camera unit’s force, the hidden unit’s controlling player must roll 2D6 and reveal the position of the unit on a result of 9+.

binaryspica commented 4 years ago

You better check the errata. The rules on Recon Camera was replaced by the errata.

An aerospace unit with a Recon Camera that is between Altitudes 5 and 10 on the Low Altitude map gains the ability to either spot for LRM indirect fire or artillery, or attempt to reveal hidden units. In either case, it may not make any other attacks while attempting to do so. For an aerospace unit to spot, the base to-hit number to designate a target is the pilot’s Gunnery Skill +2. The target must be on the ground mapsheet that corresponds to the camera unit’s atmospheric hex. If the aerospace unit is attempting to reveal hidden units (see p. 259, TW), during the Movement Phase of any turn where the camera unit passes over a ground mapsheet that corresponds to its atmospheric hex and contains a hidden unit hostile to its force, the hidden unit may be revealed. The hidden unit’s controlling player must roll 2D6 for each such hidden unit. The target number is 9, plus any applicable terrain modifiers; for submerged units, apply a +1 terrain modifier per depth past 1. Rolling equal to or higher than the target number immediately reveals that hidden unit to the camera unit. Recon Cameras can be mounted on external hardpoints as a bomb type, as described on page 246 of TW. A pod mounted Recon Camera occupies the same space as one bomb. For ground units, a Recon Camera instead allows the unit to act as a spotter for LRM indirect fire (see p. 111, TW) against a single target per turn and still make a weapon attack or spot for artillery (at normal visual ranges) with no additional to-hit penalty. To spot for LRM indirect fire, the unit must ‘hit’ the target using the same rules and ranges as TAG as appropriate for that unit. Regardless of the unit type it is mounted on, a Recon Camera can never designate targets for TAG-guided weapons, such as semi-guided LRMs, laser-guided bombs or Arrow IV artillery missiles.

RAldrich commented 4 years ago

This is kinda-sorta implemented for Aero units, in that they're not able to spot for indirect fire unless they have a recon camera, an infrared or hyperspectral imager, or a high-res imager and it's not night.

Functionality for finding hidden units isn't implemented.

No ground unit functionality is implemented.