MegaMek / megamek

MegaMek is a networked Java clone of BattleTech, a turn-based sci-fi boardgame for 2+ players. Fight using giant robots, tanks, and/or infantry on a hex-based map.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[49.5] Fighter squadrons making strike attacks on ground targets fire only a single weapon per bay #3321

Open gsparks3 opened 2 years ago

gsparks3 commented 2 years ago


As described in the title, if a fighter squadron is used on the ground map to make a strike attack at a ground target, a weapon bay striking the target will do damage as if only a single weapon of that type had struck the target (see below). This massively reduces the effectiveness of fighter squadrons versus individual fighters making strike attacks.


Reproduction steps:

  1. Load the provided savegame, joining as "Mishra"
  2. Fire the squadron's weapon bays at the target and observe the single-weapon damage on a hit.


gsparks3 commented 2 years ago

Update: a ruling has been issued in the rules forum thread. Squadron air-to-ground attacks should essentially function as standard strike/strafe/bomb attacks by the units making up the squadron. Importantly, it seems they do NOT follow the usual "fire weapon bay, roll to hit, then on a hit roll on the cluster table for how many bay weapons hit" procedure for squadron attacks, but rather act as individual weapon attacks from each component fighter. For Megamek, the easiest way to model this might be to declare weapons fire via bays as usual, then convert it into the appropriate number of individual weapon attacks.