MegaMek / megamek

MegaMek is a networked Java clone of BattleTech, a turn-based sci-fi boardgame for 2+ players. Fight using giant robots, tanks, and/or infantry on a hex-based map.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[49.19] [Quirk] More Internal Bomb Bay bugs. #5434

Open Nehvar opened 4 months ago

Nehvar commented 4 months ago

I found several more bugs with the Internal Bomb Bay quirk. All but the last one listed below occur only when you mount the same type of bombs in the external bomb racks that you have selected for the Internal Bomb Bay.

1) Bombs dropped during both types of bombing attack will always come from the Internal Bomb Bay first regardless of what you selected during the attack phase.

i.e. On my custom ASF I carry 6 bombs in the IBB and 5 bombs externally. My usual plan is to drop the 5 external bombs on turn 1 to regain my full movement speed ASAP. On turn 2, however, I am still slowed down because all 5 bombs dropped were taken from the IBB instead. Also, if I took any hits that turn I face the risk of an IBB explosion.

Here is a save and a log after a test dive bomb attack with a Torrent where I selected only external bombs.

IBB_bug_WrongBombs_DiveBomb.sav.gz IBB_bug_WrongBombs_DiveBomb.sav.log

And here are a save and a log from a bombing run attack with the same setup where I also only selected external bombs.

IBB_bug_WrongBombs_BombingRun.log IBB_bug_WrongBombs_BombingRun.sav.gz

It works this way even if you split your selected bombs between internal and external sources. Also, should you take a hit during this turn whilst you have any bombs left, internal or external, a "Bomb Bay Explosion" check is made. External bombs will be lumped in with any remaining internal bombs for this check.

In these two examples I had a Torrent with 5 internal bombs and 8 external bombs doing a dive bomb attack. In the first I selected 4 bombs from the external racks. In the second I selected all 5 of the internal bombs.

04_IBB_bug 05_IBB_bug

2) During a dive bomb attack the Internal Bomb Bay restriction of dropping no more than 6 bombs in a given turn is being applied to the external bomb racks as well if there are any bombs present in the Internal Bomb Bay. If all of Internal Bomb Bay bombs have previously been expended then you can once again select more than 6 bombs from the external racks during a dive bomb attack.

3) During a bombing run you can drop twice the number of bombs on a given hex than what is permitted by the rules by selecting 2 bombs each from the Internal Bomb Bay and external bomb racks.

Example save, log and image from a turn in which I dropped 4 bombs on a single hex during a bombing run.

03_extrabombs_BR IBB_bug_ExtraBombs_BombingRun_Hex.log IBB_bug_ExtraBombs_BombingRun_Hex.sav.gz

4) This is the only one that has nothing to do with external bomb choices. During a bombing run using bombs mounted in the Internal Bomb Bay you can drop more bombs over the course of the run than the maximum or 6 bombs a turn permitted by the Internal Bomb Bay quirk.

Example save and log from a turn where I dropped 15 bombs from the IBB of a Torrent over one bombing run.

IBB_bug_ExtraBombs_BombingRun_Max.log IBB_bug_ExtraBombs_BombingRun_Max.sav.gz

Sleet01 commented 4 months ago

Excellent issue report, I hate it :)

I'll add this to my queue. There is supposed to be separate accounting for IBB and external bombs, but that might have been broken by something else in .19.

Sleet01 commented 2 months ago

Currently blocked by #5569