MegaMek / megamek

MegaMek is a networked Java clone of BattleTech, a turn-based sci-fi boardgame for 2+ players. Fight using giant robots, tanks, and/or infantry on a hex-based map.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Many PilotToolTip "Can't create an ImageOutputStream!" errors logs per turn #6003

Open ObviousTech opened 1 week ago

ObviousTech commented 1 week ago

Prerequisites and Pre-Issue Checklist

Severity *

Low (Minor/Nuisance): Minor glitches or cosmetic issues that don’t affect gameplay and occur rarely.

Brief Description *

Nothing seems to be working incorrectly in game from what I can tell, but there are several of the same type of error being logged per unit's turn. In a 12 round game with about 20 units on each side, this resulted in over 6000 of this error in the megamek log.

The same errors were also logged to megamek.log on a remote client that was connected to the host player.

Error is like

ERROR [megamek.client.ui.swing.tooltip.PilotToolTip] {AWT-EventQueue-0}
megamek.client.ui.swing.tooltip.PilotToolTip.crewPortraits( - 
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create an ImageOutputStream!
... (+42 more lines of error, see attached logs for examples)

Some lines of the full error text do vary, depending on the action which led to the error.

Steps to Reproduce


Actions I checked (with a number corresponding to the number of new errors logged when performing that action):

other variables tested that did not seem to affect the whether the error occurs:

Operating System *

Windows 10

Java Version *

Java Version: 17.0.12

MegaMek Suite Version *


Custom MegaMek Version

No response

Attach Files



Final Checklist

HoneySkull commented 4 days ago
  1. Are you using or have setup any custom directories? Or are you using the defaults?
  2. Does the location/folder your megamek suite is installed have write permissions?
  3. Do you have sufficient disk space on the drive you have megamek installed on?
  4. Are you using any custom fluf packs or custom graphics that might have invalid dimensions for portraits.
ObviousTech commented 3 days ago
  1. Are you using or have setup any custom directories? Or are you using the defaults?

not 100% sure what you mean by this / how to do this

  1. Does the location/folder your megamek suite is installed have write permissions?

i think it should? the units.cache generated ok. savegames and logs write ok. I didn't do anything different from previous versions when setting up.

  1. Do you have sufficient disk space on the drive you have megamek installed on?

very yes

  1. Are you using any custom fluff packs or custom graphics that might have invalid dimensions for portraits.

I added the megamek-extras content, plus have custom units+camos from a campaign that uses this install (in the data/ subfolders, not userdata/). However, none of these were getting used in this example save I posted.

I have another mekhq/megamek install of this version which doesn't have the extras added. Checking if the errors happen there as well... Yep, same amount of errors. Even with just 1 mech on the board, no camo, no portrait selected. Same javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create an ImageOutputStream! errors.

I turned off the "show pilot portrait in tooltip" option, still get the error.