MegaMek / megameklab

MegaMekLab is a BattleTech unit modification program. It allows creating and modifying all unit types available in MegaMek from Support Vehicles up to WarShips. It also allows printing record sheets for single or multiple units.
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[RFE] - Display Quirk Point Costs, and Balance #1512

Open Thom293 opened 1 month ago

Thom293 commented 1 month ago

On Quirk page, display a parenthetical with the cost next to the name. e.g. Battlefiist (LA) (+1) Battle Computer (+5) Difficult Ejection (-1)

Same for individual weapon quirks.

On the bottom, display a Quirk Balance. e.g. Qirk Balance: 0.

I think 0 should be "normal" color and anything +1 or higher should appear red and anything -1 or lower should appear green.

Optional: (less sure about these - could make these self-enforcing and just not worry about any of the below. Tricky because the canon mechs are rarely balanced.

Mech should show as invalid if the the number is +1 or higher (because its unbalanced). (Not sure about this). When saving, should give you the "Invaild" warning with a note for canon mechs, something like:

This unit is invalid for the reasons listed below!:

Unbalanced Quirks (**Note many canon chassis are unbalanced by design): Non-Standard Parts (-1) Improved Targeting (Short) (+3)



And finally - and super optional - I dont know if this is touchable or if it will effect record sheet printing, but the Quirk Balance display on the TRO view of the unit would nice. I dont play tabletop so dont know how this would go over in the community, but for MM/MHQ purposes (and Discord) at least would be helpful for viewing mechs.


Thank you.