MegaMek / megameklab

MegaMekLab is a BattleTech unit modification program. It allows creating and modifying all unit types available in MegaMek from Support Vehicles up to WarShips. It also allows printing record sheets for single or multiple units.
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Quad Protomech Armor Diagram #253

Closed Xeno426 closed 4 years ago

Xeno426 commented 5 years ago


0.45.3 Platform Windows 7 6.1 (x86) Java version 1.8.0_151


When printing quad protomechs, the armor diagram remains bipedal and armor for the legs becomes incorrect.


boggart quad

neoancient commented 5 years ago

It's not a bug. It just hasn't been implemented yet, along with ultraheavies and gliders.

Xeno426 commented 5 years ago

Well shoot, that means I still can't get an accurate Sprite 3 record sheet.

neoancient commented 5 years ago

You might be able to do an ultraheavy as long as the number of weapons does not exceed what is allowed in a standard weight proto. I'm not sure about the capacity to print armor and structure pips.

Xeno426 commented 5 years ago

Just checked, there aren't enough dots for all the armor. :(