MegaMek / mekhq

MekHQ is a java helper program for the MegaMek game that allows users to load a list of entities from an XML file, perform repairs and customizations, and then save the new entities to another XML file that can be loaded into MegaMek.
127 stars 161 forks source link

Cant save game #172

Closed codigotrueno closed 7 years ago

codigotrueno commented 7 years ago

Dear People,

Having started a ATB campaing, and after beating several scenarios, the game will report it can´t save my game.

I attached a zip file that contains:

A saved game just as I won a battle.
The MekHQ log files.
All of the custom 'Mechs that I used.

Thank you for your time

codigotrueno commented 7 years ago

For a unknown reason Github wont let me attach the zip file.

I will add the contents of the mekhq log file here.

`MekHQ 0.3.31 loading mekhq properties from mmconf/ Starting load of faction data from XML... Hanseatic League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Illyrian Palatinate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Jarnfolk faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Lothian League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Malagrotta Cooperative faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik-Stewart Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Morgraine's Valkyrate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Barony of Strang faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Mosiro Archipelago faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector New Colony Region faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Nueva Castile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oberon Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Ohrenson-Zion Province faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oriente Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Gibson faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Regulus faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rasalhague Dominion faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Raven Alliance faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Fiefs faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Free States faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Territories faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Saiph Triumvirate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Sarna Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Chesterton Trade League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Silver Hawk Coalition faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Star League-in-Exile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Stewart Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Taurian Homeworlds faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Terracap Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Barrens faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Tortuga Dominions faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector United Hindu Collective faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Loaded a total of 149 factions Loaded 805 Bloodname records. Starting load of planetary data from XML... Loaded a total of 3444 planets in 1.282s. Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station <-> Cambridge: 0.513 ly Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge <-> Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station: 0.513 ly Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1

Reading unit files: Reading from unit cache file... Looking in data\mechfiles... Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in data\mechfiles\customs... Looking in data\mechfiles\customs\Gentlemen Bastards... ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. 7330 units loaded. Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Loading campaign file from XML... Starting load of campaign file from XML... Starting load of Rank Systems from XML... Done loading Rank Systems MMRandom: generating RNG type #1 Parsing customWeaponOrder.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of custom weapon order entries: 0 Starting load of news data for 3067 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3067

Reading unit files: Reading from unit cache file... Looking in data\mechfiles... Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in data\mechfiles\customs... Looking in data\mechfiles\customs\Gentlemen Bastards... ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. 7330 units loaded.

Reading unit files: Reading from unit cache file... Looking in data\mechfiles... Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in data\mechfiles\customs... Looking in data\mechfiles\customs\Gentlemen Bastards... ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. 7330 units loaded. Checking for missing entities... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: dc4dcf52-577d-483b-bf17-6131b8de1908 Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Highlander HGN-732, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Orion ON1-K, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 619c8f9d-dfc2-4195-8cd1-dfcaa16df362 Returning Entity [BattleMaster BLR-1G Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-11x, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [J-27 Ordnance Transport K-27 'Killjoy', -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Phoenix Hawk PXH-1, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cyclops CP-11-C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Uller (Kit Fox) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover LRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Ryoken (Stormcrow) B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Zeus-X ZEU-X4 Mk IV, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-D, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Commando COM-1A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 9a245515-30de-4f55-85a5-61b2ad3f19ed Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Coolant Truck (Tracked), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Black Knight IIC Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cerberus MR-6X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Loki (Hellbringer) Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 78e31f5a-bab8-45ed-ae81-ed65d665028f Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: e9bcb3fa-5318-42a0-94a6-7b2138c2db04 Returning Entity [Toyama TYM-1B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: cf0e252f-611e-4698-967d-acb507ada2c1 Returning Entity [Flashman FLS-9B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Vulcan VL-2T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Griffin GRF-1N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 02eb590a-6bee-4194-a059-217badae5da5 Returning Entity [Deva C-DVA-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thunder Fox TFT-F11 Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 831ce34f-20af-4489-874a-db99cd779e37 Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-10N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Javelin JVN-11D (Farrell), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Shadow Cat B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 3f1c2e35-5558-4b97-8cf5-4caa813bcd89 Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5W, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Motorized Platoon (Rifle), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Banshee Bastard Mod, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Finished checking for missing entities!

Loading Campaign Options from XML...










Interstellar Ops








































































































Automatic Success






































































































































































































Xotl,Total Warfare

ratsNoEra Xotl,Total Warfare Load Campaign Options Complete! Loading Unit Nodes from XML... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (98a1006f-faec-417a-8131-645f0f900159):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1bd4939 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (5446b941-d445-4ec2-9a95-33af94b532c8):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@82653b Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: dc4dcf52-577d-483b-bf17-6131b8de1908 Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f90b018a-14a4-4aa4-bc46-45dba6dd6472):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@98df79 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (a7b6b5a3-684f-41d3-bf18-837e972b1f74):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@845f4c Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (39c979ff-7b3b-4cc2-998a-dd891b27f5ad):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@a33d2f Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Highlander HGN-732, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fe6ea607-26bb-4011-88b6-4613cf3d0fa7):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@d6746 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fe3eb820-fe8c-413c-9472-4a41cb5b6388):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@177fb33 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (630d662d-0755-4fba-af6f-ef9630e0efe5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@151fdd1 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Orion ON1-K, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fd3ccfc0-1f0b-4564-82ff-8173401c82bb):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1053aee Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 619c8f9d-dfc2-4195-8cd1-dfcaa16df362 Returning Entity [BattleMaster BLR-1G Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (7da54a6f-ba31-46c4-92eb-d4235ade13a0):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@184e6aa Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-11x, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (5865f145-c176-4034-9130-147fd44b1713):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@18a8601 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [J-27 Ordnance Transport K-27 'Killjoy', -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (bcc87a91-794d-48aa-ae98-e993e929c119):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@118defb Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Phoenix Hawk PXH-1, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f3600301-a2fd-4aac-8ece-4424d6ae2a1b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@25a998 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cyclops CP-11-C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (0a4c4ba5-ee8f-4b5a-8213-eb0ab32d2eae):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@e49031 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (cbb6c351-50fc-43a9-b25e-625a8e7d47f4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1128b90 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Uller (Kit Fox) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (8c331cb8-0e11-4a1b-ba97-94e7528f98e1):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@905d4c Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (c1fb760c-65fa-4f2b-9933-35da88dd4ab5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1910b45 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover LRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (24234572-b262-4196-9953-00be0cd2c9f9):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@128244b Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Ryoken (Stormcrow) B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (71c06ff8-46e8-476b-a285-2a3a96eb6bdb):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@c06cc8 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (201664b9-decf-40d2-aa89-b3d1d021ff02):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@3e17a7 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Zeus-X ZEU-X4 Mk IV, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (d0d1dc7d-6a0f-4bb9-9f26-ea02662c5eb5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@7af272 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-D, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-X2 Mk I, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (c049c71b-564b-4263-8303-14e9b55e4328):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@fe48f3 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Commando COM-1A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (d9f506f3-b47c-46bd-9224-1fdf88e2f21b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@5c8615 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 9a245515-30de-4f55-85a5-61b2ad3f19ed Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2239771e-2ba3-447e-b339-ac63eaca15d4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@c7ac3 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Coolant Truck (Tracked), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (ddff1acc-0ba5-4dbe-b79c-d6c07a8af612):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1eea06 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Black Knight IIC Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (eb19e648-e8cb-47b2-8784-63c5d367cdaf):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1495964 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cerberus MR-6X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2c197005-2b1d-4276-a2a3-9a1b715ea641):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@6fd7d9 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Loki (Hellbringer) Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (740c2a01-e3b9-4542-81b4-595023471673):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@a8dea6 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 78e31f5a-bab8-45ed-ae81-ed65d665028f Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (62db0dfc-cc14-4b3a-994e-a2a88220fd74):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@7772d7 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: e9bcb3fa-5318-42a0-94a6-7b2138c2db04 Returning Entity [Toyama TYM-1B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (dfbc4175-b7e5-4455-a617-846c391f3e4b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@400b8c Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: cf0e252f-611e-4698-967d-acb507ada2c1 Returning Entity [Flashman FLS-9B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (b40253fa-04fa-4b4c-8c80-4407220e7635):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@2e3f41 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Vulcan VL-2T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (38e51a1f-c221-408e-907f-f50f97231e66):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1f282ba Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Griffin GRF-1N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (3f53c1c7-96ad-4d72-91d4-ef609426b1bc):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@381025 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2587d8b7-abd8-4f9b-a6c0-f7980515d0b4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@a9b866 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 02eb590a-6bee-4194-a059-217badae5da5 Returning Entity [Deva C-DVA-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (51fb8dd1-cae7-448e-b774-f97487a0df7f):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1cf5e52 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thunder Fox TFT-F11 Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f3f7b0ee-d925-487f-8667-a18447d74d99):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@5aa705 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 831ce34f-20af-4489-874a-db99cd779e37 Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-10N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f9b34ee8-616d-41c2-b5c4-b7cce71478dd):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1538ef9 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Javelin JVN-11D (Farrell), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (b02ad0bf-edfc-4e58-bee5-a5478b5f2e63):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@15c2749 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (a0809ba5-a5e9-43a5-bf2b-63b91479d689):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1f67f99 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Shadow Cat B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (245962ae-c33e-4b3d-be91-de2fd717ae25):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@396d9c Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 3f1c2e35-5558-4b97-8cf5-4caa813bcd89 Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5W, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (6dfb3409-0aab-43ba-a330-d4f87a998620):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@4cbf99 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Motorized Platoon (Rifle), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (ad169460-8c40-4e8e-a557-b496b6b47d35):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1a139db Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Banshee Bastard Mod, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (76948887-0a30-478d-a82d-f885a5067632):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@b6ff41 Load Unit Nodes Complete! Loading Personnel Nodes from XML... Load Personnel Nodes Complete! Loading Ancestor Nodes from XML... Load Ancestor Nodes Complete! Loading Mission Nodes from XML... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Locust LCT-3V, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Leopard (2537), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Vedette Medium Tank (AC2), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Wolverine WVR-6R, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Hunchback HBK-4G, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [SRM Carrier (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Scorpion Light Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Panther PNT-9R, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Scorpion Light Tank (ML), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Wasp WSP-1K, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Scorpion Light Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Harasser Missile Platform (LRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Plainsman Medium Hovertank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Load Mission Nodes Complete! Loading Force Organization from XML... Load of Force Organization complete! Loading Finances from XML... Load of Finances complete! Loading Kill Nodes from XML... Load Kill Nodes Complete! Loading Skill Type Nodes from XML... Load Skill Type Nodes Complete! Loading Special Ability Nodes from XML... Load Special Ability Nodes Complete!

Loading Random Skill Preferences from XML...

























secondSkillBonus -10 Load Random Skill Preferences Complete! Loading Part Nodes from XML... Load Part Nodes Complete! Loading GameOption Nodes from XML... Load Game Option Nodes Complete! Starting load of planetary data from XML... Loaded a total of 3444 planets in 0.594s. Starting load of AtB configuration data from XML... Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station <-> Cambridge: 0.513 ly Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge <-> Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station: 0.513 ly Starting load of news data for 3148 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3148 Load of campaign file complete! Starting load of faction hint data from XML... RAT files loaded Loaded Rats in: 11220ms. Staring MegaMekLab version: 0.1.57 Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Set option 'year' to '3146'. Set option 'tacops_gauss_weapons' to 'true'. Set option 'toughness' to 'true'. Set option 'tacops_sprint' to 'true'. Set option 'no_clan_physical' to 'true'. Set option 'alternate_masc_enhanced' to 'true'. Set option 'manei_domini' to 'true'. Set option 'stratops_quirks' to 'true'. Set option 'kind_rapid_ac' to 'true'. Set option 'command_init' to 'true'. Set option 'bv_destroyed_percent' to '50'. Set option 'tacops_tank_crews' to 'true'. Set option 'edge' to 'true'. Set option 'allow_illegal_units' to 'true'. Set option 'techlevel' to 'Experimental'. Set option 'pilot_advantages' to 'true'. Set option 'unjam_uac' to 'true'. s: starting a new server... s: hostname = 'Beta' port = 2346 s: hosting on address = s: hosting on address = 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 s: password = null s: listening for clients... Parsing defaultKeyBinds.xml Parsing finished. Total number of key binds parsed: 32 Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Loading more unit images from localclient_wreckset.txt... ... finished localclient_wreckset.txt. Including StandardIncludes/StandardThemes.tileinc Including lunar/ThemeLunar.tileinc Including lunar/LunarBuildings.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 0 base images hexTileset: loaded 31 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 22 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including mars/ThemeMars.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 44 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including volcano/ThemeVolcano.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 53 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including grass/ThemeGrass.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 75 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including snow/ThemeSnow.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFluff.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 173 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFuelTanks.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 431 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 722 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1013 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1300 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1610 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardRailMaglev.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1686 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardElevator.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1707 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardLimbs.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardSpace.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicBridges.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1733 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicRoads.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1861 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 181 base images hexTileset: loaded 1913 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml s: accepting player connection #0 ... s: player #0, Gentlemen Bastards connected from / SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Thread in lounge MMRandom: generating RNG type #1 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

s: accepting player connection #1 ... Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 s: player #1, Draconis Combine connected from / SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Round 0 memory usage: 192.129 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml boardview1: loading images for board Round 1 memory usage: 321.687 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 2 memory usage: 332.977 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 3 memory usage: 464.448 kB Ejecting crew size: 1 Loading image for MechWarrior Private Frank Bashiri on the fly. c:Contents of Send Queue: s:Contents of Send Queue:

s: connection 0 disconnected s: removed player Gentlemen Bastards s:c:Contents of Send Queue: Contents of Send Queue:

s: connection 0 disconnected s: removed player Gentlemen Bastards s:Contents of Send Queue: c:Contents of Send Queue: s:s: connection 1 disconnected Contents of Send Queue: s: removed player Draconis Combine s: connection 1 disconnected s: removed player Draconis Combine client: died c:Contents of Send Queue: c:Contents of Send Queue: 0 client: died client: died c:Contents of Send Queue: client: died Set option 'year' to '3146'. Set option 'tacops_gauss_weapons' to 'true'. Set option 'toughness' to 'true'. Set option 'tacops_sprint' to 'true'. Set option 'no_clan_physical' to 'true'. Set option 'alternate_masc_enhanced' to 'true'. Set option 'manei_domini' to 'true'. Set option 'stratops_quirks' to 'true'. Set option 'kind_rapid_ac' to 'true'. Set option 'command_init' to 'true'. Set option 'bv_destroyed_percent' to '50'. Set option 'tacops_tank_crews' to 'true'. Set option 'edge' to 'true'. Set option 'allow_illegal_units' to 'true'. Set option 'techlevel' to 'Experimental'. Set option 'pilot_advantages' to 'true'. Set option 'unjam_uac' to 'true'. s: starting a new server... s: hostname = 'Beta' port = 2346 s: hosting on address = s: hosting on address = 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 s: password = null s: listening for clients... Parsing defaultKeyBinds.xml Parsing finished. Total number of key binds parsed: 32 Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Loading more unit images from localclient_wreckset.txt... ... finished localclient_wreckset.txt. Including StandardIncludes/StandardThemes.tileinc Including lunar/ThemeLunar.tileinc Including lunar/LunarBuildings.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 0 base images hexTileset: loaded 31 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 22 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including mars/ThemeMars.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 44 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including volcano/ThemeVolcano.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 53 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including grass/ThemeGrass.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 75 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including snow/ThemeSnow.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFluff.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 173 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFuelTanks.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 431 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 722 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1013 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1300 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1610 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardRailMaglev.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1686 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardElevator.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1707 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardLimbs.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardSpace.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicBridges.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1733 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicRoads.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1861 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 181 base images hexTileset: loaded 1913 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml s: accepting player connection #0 ... Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml s: player #0, Gentlemen Bastards connected from / Thread in unknown stage Thread in lounge SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched MMRandom: generating RNG type #1 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

s: accepting player connection #1 ... Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 s: player #1, Draconis Combine connected from / SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Round 0 memory usage: 288.435 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml boardview1: loading images for board Round 1 memory usage: 394.433 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 2 memory usage: 539.301 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 3 memory usage: 552.380 kB Round 4 memory usage: 428.655 kB Round 5 memory usage: 381.086 kB Round 6 memory usage: 339.522 kB Round 7 memory usage: 465.967 kB Round 8 memory usage: 393.024 kB Round 9 memory usage: 611.408 kB Round 10 memory usage: 557.802 kB Round 11 memory usage: 607.798 kB Round 12 memory usage: 599.222 kB Round 13 memory usage: 427.891 kB Round 14 memory usage: 419.007 kB Round 15 memory usage: 502.981 kB Round 16 memory usage: 637.839 kB Round 17 memory usage: 431.415 kB Ejecting crew size: 1 c:Contents of Send Queue: s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 1 disconnected s: removed player Draconis Combine s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 1 disconnected s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 1 disconnected client: died c:Contents of Send Queue: 2016-09-27 09:42:33 GMT-04:00 END OF GAME Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 c:Contents of Send Queue: s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 0 disconnected s: removed player Gentlemen Bastards c:Contents of Send Queue: 2016-09-27 09:43:21 GMT-04:00 END OF GAME client: died s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 0 disconnected Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes c:Contents of Send Queue: client: died Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Saving campaign... File copied. Campaign saved to C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481217.cpnx Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Clearning engine crits. Setting new engine rating. Adding engine crits. Updating # engine heat sinks to 10 Saving campaign... File copied. Campaign saved to C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481217.cpnx Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Set option 'year' to '3146'. Set option 'tacops_gauss_weapons' to 'true'. Set option 'toughness' to 'true'. Set option 'tacops_sprint' to 'true'. Set option 'no_clan_physical' to 'true'. Set option 'alternate_masc_enhanced' to 'true'. Set option 'manei_domini' to 'true'. Set option 'stratops_quirks' to 'true'. Set option 'kind_rapid_ac' to 'true'. Set option 'command_init' to 'true'. Set option 'bv_destroyed_percent' to '50'. Set option 'tacops_tank_crews' to 'true'. Set option 'edge' to 'true'. Set option 'allow_illegal_units' to 'true'. Set option 'techlevel' to 'Experimental'. Set option 'pilot_advantages' to 'true'. Set option 'unjam_uac' to 'true'. s: starting a new server... s: hostname = 'Beta' port = 2346 s: hosting on address = s: hosting on address = 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 s: password = null s: listening for clients... Parsing defaultKeyBinds.xml Parsing finished. Total number of key binds parsed: 32 Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Loading more unit images from localclient_wreckset.txt... ... finished localclient_wreckset.txt. Including StandardIncludes/StandardThemes.tileinc Including lunar/ThemeLunar.tileinc Including lunar/LunarBuildings.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 0 base images hexTileset: loaded 31 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 22 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including mars/ThemeMars.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 44 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including volcano/ThemeVolcano.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 53 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including grass/ThemeGrass.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 75 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including snow/ThemeSnow.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 95 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFluff.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 173 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardFuelTanks.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 431 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 722 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsNonSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1013 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1300 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BuildingsSClassNoArmor.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1610 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardRailMaglev.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1686 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardElevator.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1707 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardLimbs.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 92 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/StandardSpace.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1713 super images hexTileset: loaded 0 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicBridges.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1733 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images Including StandardIncludes/BasicRoads.tileinc hexTileset: loaded 93 base images hexTileset: loaded 1861 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images hexTileset: loaded 181 base images hexTileset: loaded 1913 super images hexTileset: loaded 64 ortho images ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml s: accepting player connection #0 ... Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage Thread in unknown stage ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml s: player #0, Gentlemen Bastards connected from / ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Thread in unknown stage Thread in lounge SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched MMRandom: generating RNG type #1 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

Ammo illegal at unit's tech level (IS Introductory Box Set, 3148): Streak SRM 6 Ammo, (Clan TW)

s: accepting player connection #1 ... s: player #1, Draconis Combine connected from / Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 SUCCESS: Client/Server Version (0.41.21) and Checksum (86d4eab5b70def2582648b3d7fb051d85beda42628a47be262dc4af8842a6fbb) matched Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Game.addReports() received blank vector. Round 0 memory usage: 545.773 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml boardview1: loading images for board Round 1 memory usage: 561.109 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 2 memory usage: 670.376 kB Round 3 memory usage: 486.836 kB ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml ERROR: Bad skin specification file: file doesn't exist! File name: skins/defaultSkin.xml Round 4 memory usage: 504.393 kB Round 5 memory usage: 468.009 kB Round 6 memory usage: 570.042 kB Round 7 memory usage: 480.974 kB Round 8 memory usage: 601.595 kB Round 9 memory usage: 657.887 kB Round 10 memory usage: 567.422 kB Round 11 memory usage: 442.425 kB Round 12 memory usage: 446.537 kB c:Contents of Send Queue: s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 1 disconnected s: removed player Draconis Combine s:Contents of Send Queue: 240 s: connection 1 disconnected client: died c:Contents of Send Queue: 2016-09-27 10:23:09 GMT-04:00 END OF GAME Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 c:Contents of Send Queue: s:Contents of Send Queue: c:s: connection 0 disconnected Contents of Send Queue: s: removed player Gentlemen Bastards 2016-09-27 10:23:33 GMT-04:00 END OF GAME client: died s:Contents of Send Queue: s: connection 0 disconnected Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes c:Contents of Send Queue: client: died Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Saving campaign... Campaign saved to C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx Saving campaign... File copied. Campaign saved to C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx_backup (Access is denied) in the specified directory. C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Missing i18n entry: ChatLounge.C3Nodes Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx_backup (Access is denied) in the specified directory. C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Starting load of faction data from XML... Hanseatic League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Illyrian Palatinate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Jarnfolk faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Lothian League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Malagrotta Cooperative faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik-Stewart Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Morgraine's Valkyrate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Barony of Strang faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Mosiro Archipelago faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector New Colony Region faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Nueva Castile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oberon Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Ohrenson-Zion Province faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oriente Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Gibson faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Regulus faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rasalhague Dominion faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Raven Alliance faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Fiefs faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Free States faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Territories faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Saiph Triumvirate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Sarna Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Chesterton Trade League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Silver Hawk Coalition faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Star League-in-Exile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Stewart Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Taurian Homeworlds faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Terracap Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Barrens faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Tortuga Dominions faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector United Hindu Collective faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Loaded a total of 149 factions Loaded 805 Bloodname records. Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 609 Total number of quirk entries: 609 Parsing C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of unit tags: 1 Total number of quirk entries: 1 Loading campaign file from XML... Starting load of campaign file from XML... Starting load of Rank Systems from XML... Done loading Rank Systems Starting load of news data for 3067 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3067 Checking for missing entities... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)...

Reading unit files: Reading from unit cache file... Looking in data\mechfiles... Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in data\mechfiles\customs... Looking in data\mechfiles\customs\Gentlemen Bastards... ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 0 files. ...loaded 0 files. 7330 units loaded. Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: dc4dcf52-577d-483b-bf17-6131b8de1908 Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Highlander HGN-732, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Orion ON1-K, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 619c8f9d-dfc2-4195-8cd1-dfcaa16df362 Returning Entity [BattleMaster BLR-1G Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-11x, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [J-27 Ordnance Transport K-27 'Killjoy', -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Phoenix Hawk PXH-1, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cyclops CP-11-C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Uller (Kit Fox) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover LRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Ryoken (Stormcrow) B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Zeus-X ZEU-X4 Mk IV, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-D, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Commando COM-1A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Quasit MilitiaMech QUA-51T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 9a245515-30de-4f55-85a5-61b2ad3f19ed Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Coolant Truck (Tracked), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Black Knight IIC Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cerberus MR-6X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Loki (Hellbringer) Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 78e31f5a-bab8-45ed-ae81-ed65d665028f Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: e9bcb3fa-5318-42a0-94a6-7b2138c2db04 Returning Entity [Toyama TYM-1B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: cf0e252f-611e-4698-967d-acb507ada2c1 Returning Entity [Flashman FLS-9B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Vulcan VL-2T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Griffin GRF-1N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 02eb590a-6bee-4194-a059-217badae5da5 Returning Entity [Deva C-DVA-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thunder Fox TFT-F11 Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 831ce34f-20af-4489-874a-db99cd779e37 Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-10N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Javelin JVN-11D (Farrell), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Shadow Cat B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 3f1c2e35-5558-4b97-8cf5-4caa813bcd89 Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5W, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Motorized Platoon (Rifle), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Banshee Bastard Mod, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Finished checking for missing entities!

Loading Campaign Options from XML...










Interstellar Ops








































































































Automatic Success






































































































































































































Xotl,Total Warfare

ratsNoEra Xotl,Total Warfare Load Campaign Options Complete! Loading Unit Nodes from XML... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (98a1006f-faec-417a-8131-645f0f900159):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@32a113 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (5446b941-d445-4ec2-9a95-33af94b532c8):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1256a68 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: dc4dcf52-577d-483b-bf17-6131b8de1908 Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f90b018a-14a4-4aa4-bc46-45dba6dd6472):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@12945ef Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (a7b6b5a3-684f-41d3-bf18-837e972b1f74):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@c51dd5 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Man O' War (Gargoyle) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (39c979ff-7b3b-4cc2-998a-dd891b27f5ad):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@116acca Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Highlander HGN-732, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fe6ea607-26bb-4011-88b6-4613cf3d0fa7):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1c8018d Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Awesome AWS-8Q Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fe3eb820-fe8c-413c-9472-4a41cb5b6388):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@143f263 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Panther, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (630d662d-0755-4fba-af6f-ef9630e0efe5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@6e536f Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Orion ON1-K, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (fd3ccfc0-1f0b-4564-82ff-8173401c82bb):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@73e1da Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 619c8f9d-dfc2-4195-8cd1-dfcaa16df362 Returning Entity [BattleMaster BLR-1G Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (7da54a6f-ba31-46c4-92eb-d4235ade13a0):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@7a2f90 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 8eaf14b1-7857-47ce-bbeb-054c08a8543b Loading C3i UUID 1: 8bcf0bad-e367-4889-bd2f-6ccff9ec5242 Loading C3i UUID 2: 2c027464-48de-4394-8c36-f0442870bf1e Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-11x, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (5865f145-c176-4034-9130-147fd44b1713):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@173207d Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [J-27 Ordnance Transport K-27 'Killjoy', -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (bcc87a91-794d-48aa-ae98-e993e929c119):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@165ac67 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Phoenix Hawk PXH-1, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f3600301-a2fd-4aac-8ece-4424d6ae2a1b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@a23daf Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cyclops CP-11-C, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (0a4c4ba5-ee8f-4b5a-8213-eb0ab32d2eae):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@11cc7b3 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (cbb6c351-50fc-43a9-b25e-625a8e7d47f4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@15a054f Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Uller (Kit Fox) A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (8c331cb8-0e11-4a1b-ba97-94e7528f98e1):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@b087b5 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (c1fb760c-65fa-4f2b-9933-35da88dd4ab5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@11984d1 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover LRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (24234572-b262-4196-9953-00be0cd2c9f9):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1fa652 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Ryoken (Stormcrow) B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (71c06ff8-46e8-476b-a285-2a3a96eb6bdb):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@c08ca5 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder MAD-3D Basterd Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (201664b9-decf-40d2-aa89-b3d1d021ff02):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1e295d9 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Zeus-X ZEU-X4 Mk IV, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (d0d1dc7d-6a0f-4bb9-9f26-ea02662c5eb5):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@526402 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-D, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Atlas AS7-X2 Mk I, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (c049c71b-564b-4263-8303-14e9b55e4328):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@67e0ea Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Commando COM-1A, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (d9f506f3-b47c-46bd-9224-1fdf88e2f21b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@18053ab Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Quasit MilitiaMech QUA-51T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (b1c111d1-8938-4e95-a3d9-a027260cb77c):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1fbd4b1 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 9a245515-30de-4f55-85a5-61b2ad3f19ed Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Preta C-PRT-O Invictus Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2239771e-2ba3-447e-b339-ac63eaca15d4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@d8ac81 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Coolant Truck (Tracked), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (ddff1acc-0ba5-4dbe-b79c-d6c07a8af612):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1a9a945 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Black Knight IIC Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (eb19e648-e8cb-47b2-8784-63c5d367cdaf):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@20b615 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Cerberus MR-6X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2c197005-2b1d-4276-a2a3-9a1b715ea641):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@19b76a5 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Loki (Hellbringer) Tank Buster, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (740c2a01-e3b9-4542-81b4-595023471673):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@9e6d5d Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 78e31f5a-bab8-45ed-ae81-ed65d665028f Returning Entity [Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (62db0dfc-cc14-4b3a-994e-a2a88220fd74):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1ecfbc9 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: e9bcb3fa-5318-42a0-94a6-7b2138c2db04 Returning Entity [Toyama TYM-1B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (dfbc4175-b7e5-4455-a617-846c391f3e4b):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1a192f6 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: cf0e252f-611e-4698-967d-acb507ada2c1 Returning Entity [Flashman FLS-9B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (b40253fa-04fa-4b4c-8c80-4407220e7635):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@53574a Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Vulcan VL-2T, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (38e51a1f-c221-408e-907f-f50f97231e66):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@4e9d3b Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Griffin GRF-1N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (3f53c1c7-96ad-4d72-91d4-ef609426b1bc):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@11718b0 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thor (Summoner) Prime, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (2587d8b7-abd8-4f9b-a6c0-f7980515d0b4):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1048e16 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (1353d73c-a94d-42a2-bf94-4352e0cb8f4c):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1c5947 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 02eb590a-6bee-4194-a059-217badae5da5 Returning Entity [Deva C-DVA-O Invictus, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (51fb8dd1-cae7-448e-b774-f97487a0df7f):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@a64267 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Thunder Fox TFT-F11 Mk II, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f3f7b0ee-d925-487f-8667-a18447d74d99):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@68f495 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 831ce34f-20af-4489-874a-db99cd779e37 Returning Entity [Wyvern WVE-10N, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (f9b34ee8-616d-41c2-b5c4-b7cce71478dd):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@ecf128 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Javelin JVN-11D (Farrell), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (b02ad0bf-edfc-4e58-bee5-a5478b5f2e63):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@15e575d Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (a0809ba5-a5e9-43a5-bf2b-63b91479d689):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1349819 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Shadow Cat B, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (245962ae-c33e-4b3d-be91-de2fd717ae25):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@488b42 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Loading C3i UUID 0: 3f1c2e35-5558-4b97-8cf5-4caa813bcd89 Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5W, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Marauder II MAD-5X, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (6dfb3409-0aab-43ba-a330-d4f87a998620):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1fa664d Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Motorized Platoon (Rifle), -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (ad169460-8c40-4e8e-a557-b496b6b47d35):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@19782c4 Executing getEntityFromXmlString(Node)... Executing getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Returning Entity [Banshee Bastard Mod, -1] from getEntityFromXmlString(String)... Adding unit: (76948887-0a30-478d-a82d-f885a5067632):mekhq.campaign.unit.Unit@1ed4475 Load Unit Nodes Complete! Loading Personnel Nodes from XML... Load Personnel Nodes Complete! Loading Ancestor Nodes from XML... Load Ancestor Nodes Complete! Loading Mission Nodes from XML... Load Mission Nodes Complete! Loading Force Organization from XML... Load of Force Organization complete! Loading Finances from XML... Load of Finances complete! Loading Kill Nodes from XML... Load Kill Nodes Complete! Loading Skill Type Nodes from XML... Load Skill Type Nodes Complete! Loading Special Ability Nodes from XML... Load Special Ability Nodes Complete!

Loading Random Skill Preferences from XML...

























secondSkillBonus -10 Load Random Skill Preferences Complete! Loading Part Nodes from XML... Load Part Nodes Complete! Loading GameOption Nodes from XML... Load Game Option Nodes Complete! Starting load of planetary data from XML... Loaded a total of 3444 planets in 0.852s. Starting load of AtB configuration data from XML... Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station <-> Cambridge: 0.513 ly Extremly close planets detected. Data error? Cambridge <-> Cambridge Perimeter Defense Station: 0.513 ly Starting load of news data for 3148 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3148 Load of campaign file complete! Staring MegaMekLab version: 0.1.57 Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx_backup (Access is denied) in the specified directory. C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481228.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481229.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481229.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.menuDragMouseReleased(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JMenuItem.fireMenuDragMouseReleased(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JMenuItem.processMenuDragMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JMenuItem.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.MenuSelectionManager.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481231.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31481231.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Starting load of news data for 3149 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3149 Saving campaign... C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31490101.cpnx (Access is denied) C:\Users\Francisco J. Estaba\Documents\megamek-0.41.21-windows\campaigns\Gentlemen Bastards31490101.cpnx (Access is denied) at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.menuSaveXmlActionPerformed( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI.access$3100( at mekhq.gui.CampaignGUI$61.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source) at Method) at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) `