MegaMek / mekhq

MekHQ is a java helper program for the MegaMek game that allows users to load a list of entities from an XML file, perform repairs and customizations, and then save the new entities to another XML file that can be loaded into MegaMek.
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[Nightly] EnemyMercSkyInfantry.xml reinforcements replaced by mechs #4210

Closed repligator closed 5 months ago

repligator commented 5 months ago


2024-06-10T01:16:09.281030903 Linux Java 17.0.11


A scenario in Stratcon rolled with the EnemyMercSkyInfantry.xml. Normally, this adds a infantry riding flying beasts. However, on this occasion, 8 mechs got added instead. Regenerating enemy forces just adds mechs again. Note the following from the log.

09:42:01,583 ERROR [mekhq.campaign.againstTheBot.AtBConfiguration] {AWT-EventQueue-0} mekhq.campaign.againstTheBot.AtBConfiguration.selectBotLances( - Bot force tables for organization "IS" don't have an entry for weight class 0, limiting to valid values


mekhq.log wingless_sky_cavalry.Bear Air Cavalry31520512.cpnx.gz

Thom293 commented 5 months ago

Ill look at this later today. it worked before but maybe it got changed or does something strange with clans? Its a .mul file so maybe the reference got broken.

Thom293 commented 5 months ago

Yep. Something broke all of the infantry ones. No idea what. Will try to figure it out.


Thom293 commented 5 months ago

Actually it broke ALL of the .mul modifiers it looks like. Anyone know what could have changed this?
