MegaMek / mekhq

MekHQ is a java helper program for the MegaMek game that allows users to load a list of entities from an XML file, perform repairs and customizations, and then save the new entities to another XML file that can be loaded into MegaMek.
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[RFE] MekHQ UI Theme Review - Partially Colourblind user review #4811

Open SVNaas opened 1 week ago

SVNaas commented 1 week ago

Prerequisites and Pre-Issue Checklist

RFE Details *

This is an improvement to an existing feature

Brief Description *

This visual assessment aims to locate any text and other sections of MekHQ that employ colours that aren't suitable for people with colourblindness. This evaluation is based on a visual assessment to identify areas found to be problematic by a user with partial red-green colourblindness.

Flat Darcula

The flat red used by the tabs to navigate the UI has a good contrast with the text, however, the red seems to almost glow when contrasted against the primary UI background colour. This can cause eye discomfort after prolonged usage. This visual glow illusion is also present on any text in the daily log that uses the default red font colour, such as the Failed messages for repair. This font colour is used extensively in all suits, it is not accessible.

The colour difference between damaged and salvage row background used by items/units could be slightly greater, I personally don't struggle with it too much but this is partially due to a familiarity with the fact they are different colours. At first glance it sometimes takes a moment for the difference between the colours used to become apparent. This issue can also be harder to realise at times if there is a single row using the undamaged colours between the damaged and salvage items.

The green in the repair bay, for example by the armour points, has the same visual glow to it as the red text does. This will also cause visual discomfort during prolonged usage.

The red used in AtB campaign state for the hostile forces icons and text is the same almost red glow one, it doesn't work well or in a friendly manner on any tiles. This is in part due to the label and it's background. The amber text for in progress objectives is not visually distinct enough from the green text, this may also cause visual discomfort during prolonged usage and may be hard for users to identify as a problematic colour or source of discomfort.

In review the red issues can be fixed for the fonts via adjusting the saturation down to 80, but where used solidly, such as row backgrounds, users who struggle with red colours will still struggle due to contrast issues with most shades of red and the background colours. The amber is slightly harder to fix and I'm not yet sure of a good adjustment value for it.

Flat Dark

Issues identical to the above.

Flat IntelliJ

Green text barely visible in all areas, except over the map tiles. There are no issues with the red, except on the map, and the previously mentioned issues issues with amber are not a problem, other than the green text colour this theme is very accessible for this user.

Flat Light

The issues with this are identical to IntelliJ.

Windows Classic

The issues are identical to IntelliJ.

Windows Classic

The issues are identical to IntelliJ, however, the green text is slightly easier to read here.


Overall this theme has a good level of accessiblity, though the text in Strategic Objectives is problematic in this skin. With the amber being harder to read than the green, though neither is very easy to read. The issues are otherwise identical to IntelliJ.


The green text in Strategic Objectives is virtually invisible in this theme. It's also near impossible to see if a unit is damaged in TO&E when you expand a formation so all units are visible.


Issues the same as Nimbus, however, the green text in Strategic Objectives is slightly easier to read.

Interstellar Map

The Aurigan Coalition red has the glow aspect to it due to contrast that makes it problematic, it also shows no difference to the red for the Taurian Concordat unless the planetary highlight ring is there to make the contrast more visible. The colour used for the Federated Commonwealth can be somewhat problematic as well with the eyes unsure if it's amber or green when looking at a wider area, this is not due to neighbouring colours.

MekHQ Suite Version *

v 0.50.00

Attach Files

No response

Final Checklist

repligator commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your report. The colors on the Interstellar map were overhauled in version 50.00 . There are also now options to change many of the text colors. Would you mind giving it a look?

SVNaas commented 6 days ago

Version 49.50 was a typo, it was reviewed on 50.00.

I did just start a new campaign to double check though and noticed the 3151 Draconis Combine is the "glowing" red when highlighted by the range rings. I had previously not clicked on their area of space.

repligator commented 6 days ago

Have you tried changing any of these options to help with the text?


In regards to the map, the faction colors can be changed by editing data/universe/factions.xml

SVNaas commented 6 days ago

I'd have to completely change a lot of them, this is a review of the themes default values that was promised via the Discord. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to it as quickly as I'd have liked and then postponed it until 0.50.00 came out. All of the reds that match Below Contract Minimum and Greens that match Stratcon Hex are problematic in your screenshot. I can try adjusting everything for my own partial colourblindness and then give those new values as suggested alternatives, if that would be helpful.