MegaPast2Future / HerbiTraits

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New publications to evaluate #3

Open ejlundgren opened 1 year ago

ejlundgren commented 1 year ago

New publications that have not yet been incorporated into v1.2. These are provided for users to evaluate and incorporate if desired.

Marchi, Damiano, et al. "The locomotion of Babakotia radofilai inferred from epiphyseal and diaphyseal morphology of the humerus and femur." Journal of Morphology 277.9 (2016): 1199-1218.

Hansford, James P., and Samuel T. Turvey. "Dietary isotopes of Madagascar's extinct megafauna reveal holocene browsing and grazing guilds." Biology Letters 18.4 (2022): 20220094.

New trait dataset for neotropical megafauna: Dantas, Vinicius L., and Juli G. Pausas. "The legacy of the extinct Neotropical megafauna on plants and biomes." Nature communications 13.1 (2022): 1-13.

Tejada, Julia V., et al. "Isotope data from amino acids indicate Darwin’s ground sloth was not an herbivore." Scientific reports 11.1 (2021): 1-10.

Dantas, Mário André Trindade, et al. "Annual isotopic diet (δ13C, δ18O) of Notiomastodon platensis (Ameghino, 1888) from Brazilian Intertropical Region." Quaternary International 610 (2022): 38-43.

Rey-Iglesia, Alba, et al. "Late Pleistocene paleoecology and phylogeography of woolly rhinoceroses." Quaternary Science Reviews 263 (2021): 106993.

Engelman, Russell K. "Resizing the largest known extinct rodents (Caviomorpha: Dinomyidae, Neoepiblemidae) using occipital condyle width." Royal Society Open Science 9.6 (2022): 220370.  

ejlundgren commented 7 months ago

Dantas, M.A.T., Campbell, S.C. & McDonald, H.G. Paleoecological inferences about the Late Quaternary giant sloths. J Mammal Evol 30, 891–905 (2023).