MegaPirateNG / FlashTool

Firmware flashing tool
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Failed to Download Firmware Inormations #22

Closed bpopp closed 9 years ago

bpopp commented 9 years ago

When trying to run the flashtool, I get the error, "Failed to Download Firmware Informations". Occasionally it will start to download, but never gets past 1%. I looked through the code, and it's apparently trying to pull down the XML file from "" which seems to be offline.

SirAlex commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for report, please try again. Build server was down for some reason. 13 янв. 2015 г. 4:42 пользователь "Brian Popp" написал:

When trying to run the flashtool, I get the error, "Failed to Download Firmware Informations". Occasionally it will start to download, but never gets past 1%. I looked through the code, and it's apparently trying to pull down the XML file from "" which seems to be offline.

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bpopp commented 9 years ago

Yep, that did it. Thanks!

eltesco1 commented 9 years ago

Hi sir Alex I am having this same issue again, also cannot browse to seems site may be Down?

SirAlex commented 9 years ago

Sorry, but server is down due out of money to pay for colocation service at DataCenter.

eltesco1 commented 9 years ago

Hi Sir Alex

I am getting this error on compile: avr-gcc error:unrecognized command line option'assembler-with-cpp

But I cannot find instructions to resolve, I think they are on the megapirate forum which is Down?

Do you know how to resolve?

Thanks for your help

On Wednesday, 13 May 2015, Aleksey Kharlanov (Sir Alex) <> wrote:

Sorry, but server is down due out of money to pay for colocation service at DataCenter.

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AlaskaJ commented 9 years ago

Thanks SirAlex for all your work. For a non-techie your flashtool is a lifesaver cause I can't compile a sketch to save the life of me. Is there any way to have the flashtool work without going to the server by instead using firmware locally and the user just go to the site to update them?

etechnox commented 7 years ago

Now the had close , is there anywhere I ccanget the documents and firmwares? The flash tools I downloaded can't work as it try to access the site.

smurfy commented 7 years ago

i could host another build server if its required and still used.

SirAlex commented 7 years ago

Build server still running, but domain name was not prolonged.

smurfy commented 7 years ago

can you provide an alternate domain? i

etechnox commented 7 years ago

I just bought another new crius aiop , just know that the website already close ... I can't really find the method to install the firmware from internet , maybe the megapirateng documentation is still useful, hope the domain still exist

smurfy commented 7 years ago

the docs are served by github with a cname to docs.megapirate.... I will remove that and edit this post with the "new" link.

"new" documentation link:

etechnox commented 7 years ago

Can I download the firmware also , the flashtool can't use right? I had mistakenly update with mission planner on the attempting process

On Tuesday, August 9, 2016, Philipp Andreas wrote:

the docs are served by github with a cname to docs.megapirate.... I will remove that and edit this post with the "new" link.

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smurfy commented 7 years ago

Currently the flashtool is unusable, because it can't reach the build server. But you can build it yourself as described in the docs.

etechnox commented 7 years ago

I tried the who night , this error keep come out avr-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-assembler-with-cpp'

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 7:55 PM, Philipp Andreas wrote:

Currently the flashtool is unusable, because it can't reach the build server. But you can build it yourself as described in the docs.

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danil2009 commented 7 years ago

Hi Sir Alex I want to back My quadcopter firmware using MegapirateNg 3, using flashtools. But now i cannot use flashtools. I hope you can fix the server. thanks Dida

SirAlex commented 7 years ago


can you provide an alternate domain?

Please, try to use instead of

smurfy commented 7 years ago

@SirAlex will do another release soon. you need to change the url in the as-well

SirAlex commented 7 years ago

@smurfy as-well

Done. :)

meggerja commented 7 years ago

Hello, can you tell me is there any normal way to use this flash tool ? I am not a IT gay like you and I have no idea how to make this working. Thanks

dzmitryDubrovin commented 7 years ago


For Windows: at start menu type "Notepad" -> MouseRightClick at "notepad" menu item and select "Run as Administrator" then at Notepad go to File -> Open, at opened window go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open file "hosts" (NOTE that Notepad basicaly tries to open *.txt files and "hosts" doesn't have txt ext, so select "All files" at right corner dropdown)

add following at NEW LINE at end of file

save it and rerun FlashTool

smurfy commented 7 years ago

I will release a new version soon. @dzmitryDubrovin solution should work too.

meggerja commented 7 years ago

Thank you , that's working :)

smurfy commented 7 years ago

Also i have just released a new build:

@SirAlex please also change the current version in the update.xml to 1.1r3

SirAlex commented 7 years ago

@smurfy Done, thanks for new version :)